Jamie, Mood Swings, and Pickles

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Jamie has a craving for deep fried pickles.

The air was thick and heavy as Jae and Jamie made their way through the bustling streets of Seoul. Jamie was on a quest to find an obscure food known as deep fried pickles she had become obsessed with while she was in LA. So naturally, on her first night back to Korea, she was jetlagged and dragging her boyfriend around, desperate to find a restaurant that sold the deep fried concoction.

Jae parked his car on a basement of department store in the middle of Gangnam.

Jae huffed and puffed as his arm being yanked on as his smaller girlfriend continued her quest. Every once in a while, they would find a restaurant that claimed to serve American food. Immediately he'd be tugged in that direction, only to be informed they were unable to sell the deep fried pickles. Jae would then be left with the task of consoling her girlfriend, and suggesting they turn back and get some sleep.

"Noo!" Jamie yelled loudly, causing everyone to stare at her. She turned to face her boyfriend, "i don't want sleep! I want deep fried pickles!"

Jae hid his face in embarrassment (though he already wear a disguise such as mask and cap) as everyone continued what they were doing. He put his arm around the girl, noting it was almost midnight and the train station was only one block away from them now. Before Jamie do something weirder then whatever this is called, they should return home.

Jamie slapped his shoulder in return, grabbing Jae's larger hand and get into the train. Jae could only let out a heavy sigh. Even though its already midnight, the train is crowded up with so many people. Probably because it's a Saturday night or something. There's barely any empty seats, but then voila! Jae found one seat on the corner near the door.

In Kdrama, if there's a "crowded trains situation" going on, a boyfriend is usually the one who chose to stand up and let the girlfriend have the seats. But this time, Jae is tired and sleepy so he doesn't think of anything anymore and just take the empty seat by himself. Then he pulled a pouting Jamie (he still can see Jamie's pout through her mask) into his lap. Jae is not a man of PDA, but he did do PDA's sometimes, and that 'sometimes' is when its needed like right now or when Jamie is being undeniably cute as hell (Jae just couldn't help but peppered her face with kisses anytime she called him oppa in a cute way... even if its in public).

"P-people are looking" Jamie whose body are stiff on Jae's lap quietly asking him in English. Stiff because she's flustered at the sudden PDA and afraid because if they speaks Korean, people would realize that its Jae from DAY6 and Jamie Park who are being a lovebirds in the train.

"They can look all they want, it's not like we did something weird anyway" Jae then encircled his arm on Jamie's waist and put his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. He think Jamie worries is unnecessary for now. Both of them wear their disguise, no one would recognize their face. People would probably think that they're just a foreigner couple on their trip or something.

20 minutes later they're arrived at the next station, continuing to run down the street, hoping to find another western restaurant. Seoul is a large city. Lots of tourists, lots of American tourists. There absolutely had to be at least one restaurant that made deep fried pickles, isn't it?

"Can't you just find a recipe online and make some yourself?" Jae yawned, continuing to be dragged around as Jamie pulled on his arm. He was beyond sick of this.

Hungry, tired, all he wanted to do was to be in the apartment, with the air conditioning on, asleep with Jamie soft body cuddled to him.

On his own list of "things i want to do", hunting for a bizarre American delicacy in Seoul didn't even make the top 1,000.

Jamie grunted, not wanting to even interact with that dumb suggestion. She couldn't make deep fried pickles. She had tried, hundreds of times. And each time it ended up soggy breading falling off of her sad, oily pickle. Devastated and frustrated just by thinking of that, she continued walking through the streets.

Jae then noticed a man walking by them. He was holding a to go container, the air around smelled tangy. Jae knew exactly what was in that container. Stopping him politely, he asked the obvious question. "Where is that takeout container from?"

"Ah, it's the little pickle shop just down the road" the man answered with a smile.

Jae grabbed Jamie's hand and ran. He wanted to be done with this quest just as much as Jamie did. Maybe even more so. When they finally got there, they were greeted by the scent of pickles.

Jamie's mouth watered, reading the menu. There were at least a million types of pickles on the menu. Deep fried garlic pickles, deep fried dill pickles, deep fried sweet pickles. If that wasn't endless enough, the list of dipping sauces was even longer. Ranch, chipotle, chili. It was pickle heaven, something she couldn't have imagined in a million years. Looking up, she attempted to order garlic pickles with spicy mayo for dipping.

Only to be met with the worst words a hungry person could hear.

"Sorry, our kitchen closed at midnight. We open tomorrow at 9" the waiter apologised with a slight bow.

Jamie's eyes watered up.

The pain stung and she burst out crying in the middle of a pickle shop.

Breaking down onto the floor, she was exhausted from her search.

Too tired to function, she grabbed Jae's leg and cried into his knee. If only they had found this place a few minutes earlier. Before the kitchen had closed for the night. It was too much to bear.

Probably her hormones are making her like this, curse the women period and all the issues that brings with it.

Jae face palmed and apologised for his girlfriend's childish behaviour to the store owner who looks like on her 40s and promised her that she wouldn't behave like this tomorrow. The owner weirdly let out a kind smile rather than giving a weird stare at them,

Picking the whimpering girl off the floor, Jae then dragged her out of the shop. Everyone on the street stared. Jae then picked Jamie up, pulled her over his shoulders, and made up that she's just being a dramatic drunk. Even though Jamie was stone cold sober.

They walked to the now almost empty train station, Jamie sobbing every moment of their trip back. Both of them already pulled their mask off. While they were waiting for the train, Jae inspected the vending machine. Hoping to get a tea of some sort to calm the crying girl on his shoulders down.

That's when he saw it. Dill pickle chips. Immediately, he placed a red eyed Jamie on the ground and got out some coins to pay.

Jamie watched with a shock and amaze as Jae had managed to find dill pickle chips in a vending machine in Seoul. The coincidence of this machine being metres from a deep fried pickle shop was a sign.

She needed those chips.

When Jae handed her the bag of the chips, Jamie immediately devoured them. The sour, vinegary taste on the crunch of a pickle was possibly the greatest thing to ever reach her tastebuds. She was on cloud nine, so much so that she barely even noticed the train had already come and gone. It was just her and Jae on that platform, reaching in for a big hug and kiss, she let her boyfriend know how appreciative he was. "I love you"

"I love you too" Jae smiled, seriously dealing with Jamie and her period hormonal mood swings could be such a pain in the ass sometimes, but Jae willing to do anything for this girl inside his arm, literally anything. If he could gave her the world, he would.

Giving her annoying but cute girlfriend a kiss in return as they waited for the train to arrive while enjoying the chips.

At 1 a.m

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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