About horror movies and Jae's hug

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Where Jamie wasn't fond of horror movies, but she always watched it just to have more time with Jae, her boyfriend.

And maybe, just maybe, to get hug from Jae too.

Jamie is not a big fan of horror movies.

It's not like she's afraid. She wasn't afraid. Pff obviously not. She's a sassy and brave Jamie remember? Jamie just didn't think it was very cool the countless scenes full of blood and the countless ghosts, zombies, demons and otherworldly beings haunting people. It had nothing to do with fear. Nothing. It was just a personal opinion. That's all.

"Are you sure you really want to do this horror movie marathon? We can watch something else." Jae screamed so Jamie could hear him. He was in the kitchen finishing making popcorn while the women was in the living room.

Unlike Jamie, Jae loved watching horror movies. He wasn't afraid, and there's even some movies that were so badly made that the man couldn't hold his laughs. Whenever Jae had time (that is, when he wasn't touring with DAY6 or stuck in the studio) he was spending time with Jamie or playing games and watching a TV series or movie of the genre.

"Yes, Jae! I am very sure! Now shut up and bring the popcorn." Jamie screamed back and snug on the couch. Of course she wanted to (have to) watch those weird movies with the man, if not she wouldn't even be there. She would never waste any chance on spending time with her boyfriend, for a people like them who have a hectic lifestyle, time is surely precious.

Jae let out a giggle and headed towards the room with the popcorn and some beers and orange juice too for Jamie since she can't drink. He sat next to Jamie and turned on the TV. Started first with The Walking Dead. The man was a few episodes late of the TV series because he barely had time to sit in front of the TV to watch these days.

In just a very few minutes Jae was completely immersed in the scenes that were shown on TV. He watched so intensely that he didn't even blink his eyes. Jamie, on the other hand, looked at the TV with her eyebrows frowning, trying to understand the plot.

The two spent the entire evening watching the series. Jamie even found the plot is more uninteresting with all the zombies and blood. At the end of the last episode of the available season, Jae looked at his watch and it was almost seven at night.

"Do you still want to continue with the movies?" He asked worriedly after seeing Jamie weird face.

"Yeah. Why?" Jamie looked confused at the man.

"You are usually afraid of horror movies. I was even impressed that you watched The Walking Dead without screaming at every zombie that appeared." Jae said and soon afterwards dodged a pillow that the women threw towards him.

"I'm not afraid, okay? I just don't like it" Jamie replied and ate the caramelized popcorn that was still in the jar. "Being afraid and not liking something are totally different things, you know."

"If you don't like it, why are you still watching?" Jae asked. Now that Jamie had said she didn't like horror movies, the man felt curious to know why she kept agreeing watching those movies with him even though she didn't like it.

"Let's just watch the movie, okay?" Jamie said sulkily and looked away from the man.

Jae may have seen it wrong, but he swears he saw the women's cheeks turn red. The man bite his lips the contain the amusing smile at the girl antics, but he said nothing more and played the movie. They were watching I.t and just like earlier, in a few minutes Jae had totally forgotten everything around him and focused his gaze on the scenes.

Jamie on the other hand did not want to admit it, but she was afraid. So fucking afraid. She had already watched the movie trailer and knew very well what was in it. 'Shit! I should have said that I didn't want to watch'. Jamie thought as she cowered discreetly on Jae's couch.

The movie followed and with each more tense scene Jamie bit her lips to hide her fear and the urge to scream, but in a certain part she just couldn't hide anymore.

Suddenly, the killer clown from the movie appears on TV in a very scary way and that was enough to make Jamie scream and hide under the blanket that Jae had grabbed for them to cover their bodies as the night was a little cold.

As if he expected that kind of reaction from came out from the tiny women, Jae softly chuckled and paused the movie. He approached Jamie and took the blanket off of her, seeing Jamie all curled up and with her eyes tightly closed. He silently coo-ing at that adorable sight,


"Silly." Jae laughed again and pulled Jamie smaller body close on his lap and hugged her. "Do you want to watch something else?" He spoke softly on her ear.

"It's okay we can continue" Jamie whispered and snuggled up in Jae's arms. The man hugged her a little tighter and went back to playing the movie, continuing where they left off.

The movie was still a few long minutes away. Jamie was still frightened by the sudden appearances of the killer clown on TV and was still uncomfortable with the amount of blood in the film, but Jae's hug and the caress that the man made in her hair, soothe her and made her a far more relaxed.

When the movie was over, Jamie was already asleep. Jae smiled. It was always that way. He always called Jamie to watch horror movies with him. The women always got scared and always ended up falling asleep hugging Jae soon after. He lays down on the couch, dragging Jamie's body --that felt so warm and soft in his embrace-- along with him, pulling up the blanket to cover their bodies. He put his hand on the girl soft hair, stroking it softly and waiting for a sleepiness to come but then,

A warning went on in the man's head. He knows the reason!

The reason of why Jamie always agrees on the movie night,


That's why Jamie never refused his invitations to horror movie marathons. Because the two always ended up hugging each other on Jae's couch. That realization made the man let out an amusing smile shyly. He felt so loved and cared by the girl that are now laying on top of his body and breathing steadily into his neck. He felt so lucky to have this prettily cute and fluffy women as his girlfriend.

"If being hugged to me was what you wanted you just had to ask, you know." Jae whispered as he stroked the women's small back.

Jae didn't notice but Jamie was half awake — she woke up with the man's soft caress — and blushed as soon as she heard him whisper those words in such a loving way.

Maybe Jamie no longer needs to use horror movies as an excuse to hug Jae.

A Story About Chicken little and Moomin [Jae X Jamie Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora