Ali said rolling bullet in his hand.

"The barrel of PSR-90 Sniper rifle is a four grooves right hand twisted barrel. It fires bullets with a muzzle velocity of 870 m/s with an effective range of 1000 m."

Ali said and threw bullet in Ramish's direction.

"Count the grooves and check their twisting direction."
He said in his professional tone.

4 grooves!!!"
Ramish shouted in shock .

"Ri...right hand twisted ba..barrel!!"
Ramish muttured out of shock that how accurately Ali knew.

"Hence proved that it was fired from PSR-90. "

"What about that red dot you saw before shot?"
Zain asked.

"Red dot light is used for accuracy and it's accuracy range is dependent on user's skill and firearm being used. PSR-90 doesn't require it as it can fire or shoot the target upto 1000 feet with ease. I wonder why he used dot light."
Ali shrugged.

" This gun must be made in China."
Hannah said with appreciation in his eyes.

"No man!! It's not essential that every admirable thing is made by other countries. This combat rifle is made by PAKISTAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES. "

Hanann and Ramish looked at each other with mouth hanging opened.

"All you have to do now is call in the factory and ask them for the list of people who bought them in last 3 months. This bullet is not too old."
Ali said pointing at bullet.


"Yes major!!!"
Ramish said composing himself.

"I want you to report me about the rang and direction from which bullet was fired with half an hour."
Ali said.

"Roger boss!!"
Ramish saluted.


"Yes major!!!"
Hannan shouted.

"Call the meeting in hostel basement within 15 minutes!!"

"Roger boss!!"
Hannah saluted.


"Yes major!!"

"Increase the security around."

"Roger major!!"
Affan saluted .

"Zain you come with me!!"
Ali said putting his gun back in hostler.

"Is bhabhi alright?"
Zainab asked while following him.

Ali hummed remembering what she said.

"Yawr!! How do major knew all This??"
Ramish asked still shocked.

"Have you visited his cabin in unit?"
Affan asked.

"If you had then you weren't be asking this. He has a huge collection of modern books, articles about weapons in his shelf. He was awarded as the most updated version of rank major last year in his academy."
Affan elaborated.

Ramish and Hannah exclaimed with shock .

"I have a huge crush on his sharpness since the day I met him."
Affan scratched the back of his neck smiling.

" No wonder why everyone keeps on chanting 'Major Khan' in whole department."
Hannan smiled.

"I am glad that he is one of us."
Ramish grinned.

"Lets do our tasks or else he won't spare us "
Afghan said and they both nodded.

After half an hour all the captains and majors were in the basement pondering over the situation.

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