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{"HI AND WELCOME BACK TO TLALOVP LET US SEE WHAT IT HAPPENING BACK IN GRINGOTTS, WHERE WE LEFT VENUS'' (insert cool swishy effect) announced Lyssa "Unfortunately Amy cannot be here to greet you since she fainted from shock over how popular this book is becoming, but I can speak for the both of us when I say that THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! Now let's pick up from where we left off"}

A faint "NOOoooo" could be heard from outside the chamber as Sevy made his way to where a confused Venus stood.Severus ignored the noise as he knew it was just Minnie remembering his lost lover and continued going to sit down next to Venus.

"As I was just about to tell young Miss Potter I have discovered some very interesting inheritances. For starters we have her as the heir Lady to the Noble house of Potter that she has gained from her biological father and the heir Lady to the Noble house of Prince from her other father. We also more surprisingly have discovered a few other ladyships, for starters she is now Lady of the Noble house Peverell and she is the last remaining Hufflepuff, meaning she is also Lady of the Ancient and Noble house of Hufflepuff. Then we go on to her heirships with her being the heir to both the Noble and Ancient house of Black and the heir to the house of Lupin. In terms of vaults that must be updated she now has full ownership of Vaults 00003 House of Hufflepuff and 00016 House of Peverell along with her own Vault 00387, when the current owners of Vaults 00095 House of Potter, 00054 House of Black, 00085 House of Prince and 00234 House of Lupin have passed those vaults shall pass on to her." Griphook paused from his monologue to give the two wizarding folk a chance to process what he had just said.

"So you're saying... That I am heir to one of the founders of Hogwarts....And that I am rich?" Queried Venus still in shock for finding out how much she had in Gringotts bank. "Oh the pranks I could pull." Venus whispers under her breath, anticipation for causing chaos overcoming her sense and sensibility.

Severus' eyes soften with sadness and a hint of sadness, 'She is so much like her father' he thinks to himself, as he remembers what James was like back in their school days. Severus could only hope that Venus' pranks wouldn't cause physical harm like some of James' would... Yes, he would have to talk to her about that later... But right now he just needed to be there for his daughter.

"Now that has been discussed I would like to go over her vault statements," Griphook interrupted Severus' thoughts, "I have here her statements from the past 11 years: 200 galleons a month to one Albus Dumbledore commencing 1st November 1981, 50 galleons a month to one Ronald Weasley commencing on 1st September 1991, 50 galleons a month to one Hermione Granger commencing on 1st September 1991, 25 galleons a month to one Ginerva Weasley commencing 1st September 1992 and finally 100 galleons a month to one Molly Weasley commencing 31st August 1991."

Severus' eyes hardened at the statement, and Venus just sat stiff as a board in her seat, face impassive as she just stared down at the parchment in disbelief, but sensing the rising tension and anger in the man next to her, she turned towards him.

"HOW DARE THAT OLD BAT STEAL FROM MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT!" He yells, his magical aura echoed throughout the small conference room. Venus' eyes widened at the knowledge that this man was actually her father... Yes she had suspicions, but she didn't actually fully believe them...

{"YAAAS WE LUV A PROTECTIVE SEVVY!" cried Lyssa as Amy showed her the scene}

A father... I have a father... Hang on. If I had a father, why was I placed with my Aunt and Uncle? One should believe that when a parent dies they continue to live with the other guardian unless it wasn't a safe environment... So why is she living with her Aunt, Uncle and cousin when I could be living with my father.Had someone refused to let her go to her father? Why would they do that!

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕷𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora