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POV. Jake Park

"What the hell are you talking about?!! I said I need the stuff today! I already paid, you piece of shit! If it doesn't arrive today, i will slit your throat!", I yelled. This Idiot promised me the weed today! "Jake, please calm down, my dealer got arrested and it takes a while to get someone else, okay? I'll have to hide for a while. Who knows if he'll talk about me. If he does, the police will be after me. So don't yell at me again, or i'll tell them that you're one of my customers. Consider this a threat." Is he now seriously threatening me? He's the one who's late! Nothing about this is my fault. I took a deep breath and tried to talk as calm as possible: "Okay, but when i don't get it before the day after tomorrow i'll bring you to the policestation myself. Got that?" "Yeah alright, that should be possible, deal."

I wanted to answer but i heard something. It sounded like something was scratching at the back of my caravan. Huh, i haven't seen any animal near my caravan for a while. They usually get scared of the campfire, which is burning in front of the car. Maybe i forgot to add wood. I guess it went out, because I didn't pay attention to it. I hung up on him and grabbed the shotgun which was just laying on the table. The cigarette i was smoking landed on the floor and i opened the frontdoor. First I checked the campfire, which was suprisingly still burning. Now I'm curious. Which animal is brave enough to come to my caravan? I didn't even cook anything. So it can't be something hungry, which smelled food or something.

The scratching I heard now reminded me of what I originally wanted to do. I turned my back at the fire and walked to the back of my caravan. On my way I loaded the shotgun and peaked around the corner to see what it is. But there was nothing. I looked around and took the flashlight, which was on the ground, to look if I could see anything in the forest. And there was something! I saw it move. I wanted to look closer but the flashlight started flickering, before it completly went out. I hit it on my hand a few times but it only started flickering before it went out again. I got annoyed and threw it at a tree nearby. It shattered and I angrily shot into the forest.

After that it was really quiet. As I thought I scared away whatever it was, I turned my back on it and went back to my caravan. Or rather I wanted to go back.. I fell as something grabbed my foot and pulled me into the forest. I couldn't resist it. I was just pulled further and further away from my home. I tried to turn my head to see what was taking me but it was to dark to see anything. I tried to scream but no sound came out of my mouth. The fact that I didn't know what got me and that I couldn't resist even a little, scared the shit out of me. Deep down in my head I was hoping, that this is all a dream, that was caused by the weed i smoked before. But the pain of the abrasions all over my body brought me back to the scary reality. Something is taking me somewhere in a dark forest. Tears streamed down my face and I tried to kick what is holding onto my leg. I opened my eyes when I got free.

I quickly stood up, what turned out to be a bad decision, because I immediatly fell again. For the first time I could see what kidnapped me from my home. My eyes widened when I saw it. It was a creature only made out of claws. I wanted to flee in the forest but my leg didn't work as I wanted it to. But I didn't have to run, because it headed back. It left me there confused and scared. The tears which stopped for a second now came back and I whined quietly. "Hey..." Someone talked to me in a soft voice. I looked up and saw a guy with glasses and black hair. He smiled at me softly and he looked kinda sad. "W-where am I?" He helped me up and supported me to get to a circle of tree trunks which were laying on the ground around a big campfire. There were a lot of other people. They looked like they were all at my age, except one older guy. They all looked very battered.

When I sat down the guy who helped me went and got me a first aid box. He treated my wounds softly. The others looked at me pityingly before they went back to talking to eachother. All of this confuses me. Where am I? What am I doing here? And what was that thing which brought me here? I opened my mouth to ask that guy in front of me, but he interrupted me. "I know you want to ask a lot of questions right now and this is understandable, but let me explain it, please. Lets start with where you are. You are in a game. Before you say something, i know it sounds crazy. Believe me I know that, but I was the first one the entity brought here so I would know it the best." "W-what do you mean... A game? What game?" "Well it's more like an other dimension but we call it a game, because we like... respawn here. I had to explain it to so many people now but I still dont know how to explain it without sounding crazy. hehehe.." he laughed nervously.

He looked at me, hoping that I am believing him. "I-i really don't know what to s-say right now.. A few minutes ago I was still at home and now you're telling me that I'm in a game? you know how crazy that sounds right? And you all are pretending like the thing that brought me here is completly normal! Have you even seen that thing?!" I tried to stay calm, because I could feel that he's just trying to help me but all of this is so fucking scary and everything hurts. The other people looked at me like I was the crazy one here. "What are you guys looking at! Huh?!" I wanted to seem intimidating.

"I-i know that you're scared. We were all, but please calm down. That thing that brought you here is the entity. It's like the boss of this game. It controls everything. And it chooses which one is going to be its next victim. Unfortunatly this time it was you. And I'm really sorry for that, but there is nothing I can do for you, except helping you getting through all this and explain everything." "Okay, and what kind of game is it? I guess it's a violent one. You all look really batterned. And my entrance here was not very soft." "Yeah it's like a kind of horrorgame. You get teleported into an area with three other people and one killer. These killers always lurk around and are trying to find you and hit you with their weapon. What weapon it is depends on the killer. When they hit you two times, you'll fall on the ground, and they will carry you to a meat hook to hang you up. Your teammates can save you but if they're not fast enough.. You'll die."

I looked at him shooked. That's way worse than I thought. "A-and what do I have to do to win?" "You and your teammates have to repair five generators to restore electricity. When you managed to do that you can open the doors and escape. After the match you usually get like two hours to rest and then theres another game. In this game you don't need sleep but you can get tired. But it'll go away sometime." "Then what's the point of escaping if you just have to go again?" "Well we all asked us that at first but escaping saves us a lot of pain. We just want to get the game over as soon as possible with the least pain possible." "O-okay.. So my first game is in two hours?!" "Yeah i think so but it's random. I just really hope, that I get sorted with you in your first game.. The others are not always as helpful as I am.. Well I mean they are good people, but they can be really mean sometimes.." "Oh okay, then I hope I get with you, too."

He smiled at me and I tried to smile back, but I got the feeling that it looked more sad and scared than happy. But what did I expect? I'll probably die in a few hours, and again and again and again.. I can't believe that weed was my biggest concern a few minutes ago. Somehow I'm still hoping this is all a dream, even though I'm sure it's not. Maybe I can manage to escape? I really hope so, but it's unlikely. Almost impossible. Wait.. I don't even know how to repair a generator. I turned to ask this guy, when I realised I don't even know his name. "Hey.. What's your name by the way?" "Oh yeah how rude of me! I'm Dwight. Dwight Fairfield. Nice to meet you!" Somehow I'm really impressed at how enthusiastic he is. "Hi Dwight, nice to meet you too. My name's Jake. Jake Park." I wanted to shake his hand, but he went for a hug. I was a little bit suprised and I groaned painfully because he pressed against my wounds. "Oh sorry! I forgot!" "I-it's fine. I'm just glad that we are getting along so well.." "Yeah me too! To be honest, the others are mostly annoyed by me because I'm to clingy and I talk to much." "No I like that, haha that way I don't have to talk too much." I laughed. Dwight started to grin and hugged me again. This time he did it careful so he wouldn't hurt me. And this time I also hugged him back. Everything here is a nightmare but I'm glad that Dwight is here for me. I'm glad that I have a friend here.

Okay that's enough for today haha. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story and I want to apologise if there are a lot of mistakes. English is not my first language and I still have to learn much, but I hope you guys could understand most of it, hehe. And I wanna repeat that my storys are not regulary updated, because my motivation leaves me often sooo... hehe byye

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