Chapter 18.2

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Chapter 18.2

" She's growing." Aria said as you stepped into the room of thrones. " I told you that she would be fine, Sam."

" Then why wont you let me tell her? She has a right to know." Sam said shooting to her feet, her dark eyes flaring with purple fire. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees, to the point that you could see your breath in the air in front of you every time you breathed.

" Sam." Haylee warned, and the dark haired girl let out a breath; the temperature returning to normal as she lowered herself back into her chair.

" There are reasons we can't tell her yet." The blonde girl, Zara said.

" What reasons?" Sam questioned. 

" The same ones you've yet to learn yourself, Samantha." Haylee said.

" Obviously." Sam muttered, crossing her arms, and Aria let out a sigh. " As I told you before, Alice will earn her place with us. She's already begun to understand what she has to do, and when the time comes she will be ready. Her path has already been set."

" You know what lies at the end of this road, Aria. Its to going to crush her." Sam said.

" Enough." Emrys snapped, and Sam's eyes narrowed before she was gone in a swirl of shadow. " Are you sure you want to trust one so young with something so important?" Haylee questioned Aria, who shook her head with a sigh. " Were we not all so young once?"

" Her story is constantly teetering on the edge of oblivion. One wrong step, and she may drag us all down with her." Zara said, before she disappeared in a flash of multicolored light.

" Aria, I wont question your judgement, but even I think the odds of this going terribly are extremely high." Emrys said, both she and Haylee disappearing with two loud pops.

Aria rubbed her forehead in frustration, turning her attention to you. " They all might think that I am taking to many risks when it comes to Alice, but unlike last time we are limited on time. Alicia Stevens must be ready to face the oncoming storm." She said before she disappeared rush of dust, and you were thrown backwards into the void.

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