Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

" I apologize for putting you in a situation like the one I did." Frigga said as we walked through the hallways a few hours later. " Your grandmother would have scolded me for such a misuse of your gift."

" Misuse?" I asked in confusion, and she smiled." Edith was the most responsible of the two of us. She never broke the rules, only bent. She never used her gift unless absolutely necessary, and if she did it was always because she had no other choice. I can't count the amount of times she got me out of trouble, or the amount of times she scolded me for putting myself in trouble."

" How did you two meet?" I asked as we started through the garden, and she let out a sigh. " All journeys have their beginning, Alice. Edith's started here in the palace."

" She was Asgardian. " I said, and Frigga nodded in response. " I meant it when I said we were like sisters. We grew up together. We were raised by witches, she and I, though she lacked in any magical ability aside from being able to move from one place to another in the blink of an eye. I was sad went she went away, and I missed her everyday. I should have known when Melody suddenly appeared that they were connected." She muttered. " Just as I should have known that you and Melody were."

" I wish I could have met her." I said coming to a stop next to a bush full of yellow roses, brushing my fingers over the petals mindlessly. " You posses her warrior spirit, Alice. She would have been very proud of you." Frigga said quietly, and I looked away moving to follow after her as she continued through the garden.

Several minutes later, we found Thor talking with a dark haired girl." My father doesn't know everything."

" Dont let him hear you say that." Frigga called out as we approached.

" Jane Foster. Please meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard, and my mother." Thor said introducing them, and shock crossed the women's face before she smiled at her." Hi." She greeted.

" Oh, so your the girl that ran him over with her car." I laughed, before quickly moving to pull her into a hug." Alice, I wouldn't-" Thor started to say, but was cut off as I wrapped my arms around Jane. The moment I made contact, there was a pull in my gut and I found myself suddenly sitting on my butt on the floor of the Bifrost. I blinked several times in confusion, and Heimdall glanced over as I stood up. I glanced down at my hands in horror as I watched them slowly flicker in and out of exsistence.

" Curious." Heimdal muttered as I clenched my fists, willing it to stop.

I teleported back, leaning against a wall with my arms crossed. " Thanks a lot for the warning." I called out to Thor, who gave me a look as Jane stared at me. " Your the Shadow." She said, and I raised an eyebrow.

" The what?"

" The shadow. Its what people have been calling you on Earth. Most of the recording of you in New York are just a blur of black. " She explained. " How do you do that anyway?"

" Um, well.." I trailed off, before an alarm had us turning our attention back toward the palace. " The prisons." Frigga said.

" Loki..." Thor muttered, as we shared a look.

" Go. I will look after her." The queen said, and Thor nodded before flying off.

" You should go as well, Alice. I will look after her." Frigga added, and I nodded.

It was only when I teleported, did I realize two things:

Rift 2.0 was still in my room

I was still wearing the dress that Frigga made me wear.

By the time I had launched one of the last prisoners back into their cells, my dress was torn, my hair was a mess, and I had several cuts on my face, arms, and hands. I let out a sigh, stumbling toward a wall as a wave of fatigue flew threw me. I glanced down at my hands as they flickered again, before I gritted my teeth.

What was wrong with me?

" Alice." A voice called out, and I turned my head to find Frigga standing behind me. She was dressed differently to how she had earlier; she was wearing armor." What are you doing down here? I thought you were with Jane." I said confused, and she smiled, her image flickering for a moment as she suddenly winced. " Alice, listen to me. There isn't much time. " She said. " I was being honest when I said that Edith would have been very proud of you. I have not known you that long, but even I can see that you will be a great women one day."

" Frigga.." I tried, but she waved off my words as a tear ran down her face. " I thank you, Alicia Stevens. You have shown me what it was like to have a daughter." Golden light surrounded her as she began to disappear, and she smiled at me with a look of pride. " And should you find Edith alive, or at all in the journey to come, tell her of this. Tell her everything." She pleaded, before disappearing completely.

" I promise." I whispered, before sinking to the ground.

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