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Hollow - Icon for Hire


" Special delivery!"

I glanced in the direction of the fire escape as it opened to reveal a kid with brown hair, who climbed inside with two boxes balanced on his arm.

" One large pepperoni. One large black olive." He said, and I grinned taking the peperoni from him, breathing in as I opened the box. " Thanks, Pete."

" Pleasure, My lady." He grinned before plopping down next to me, taking a slice from the box while I hit play on the remote. " Tell me again, why we keep watching these movies?" Peter asked as we watched Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring for about the 6th time. " And dont say curiosity, because I've been trying to get you watch stuff like this with me for years."

I was curious, partly. I hadn't lied about that, but the full truth was that a week ago I had been in the world where the movies take place. Somehow I had crossed between worlds, and ended up in that of Middle Earth where I had spent two months living amongst elves, fighting in a war, and then making my way back to my own world without any time passing. I had also found out that my mother and grandmother had both come from that world, and that I had the ability to teleport, not only myself but others as well.

Ya, my life wasn't exactly normal anymore. Not that it ever had been since my bestfriend was Spider Man. I also hadn't told Peter, my best friend, about any of this.

" It is." I said, watching as Gandalf 'died' to the Balog in Moria. I had just finished off my second slice when the sound of sirens made us both look toward the window. " Don't take to long." I said as he went to look, and he let out a sigh glancing back at me before jumping out the window. I looked back at the movie, reaching for my next piece of pizza when a knock at the door had me looking over in annoyance. I dropped my pizza back in the box, before getting up and going over to the door. " Who is it?"

Receiving no response, I looked through the peephole to find an empty hallway. I made a face before pulling the door open, only to let out a cry as I was yanked through the doorway. " Hey." I cried out, as I was dragged down the hallway. " Apologies, Miss Stevens but we're in a bit of a hurry, and this area isn't secure." One of them said.

" Can I at least change clothes first?" I demanded, stumbling to keep up as I was half dragged down the hallway. 

Several hours later, after being shoved into the back of vehicle, and driven to who knows where, I was locked in a room with nothing but a table, two chairs, and no answers. Its easy to say that I was not happy when someone finally came to speak with me.

" I dont know who you people are, but-" I started to say as a guy in a black coat and eye patch sat across from me, but he cut me off. " We're SHIELD, Miss Stevens, and we need your help." 

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