One Another - 8

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When Tom arrived at school the following day, he got to his locker and put his bag down to organize his things. Even by the time the school bell had rung, he waited like a lost puppy for their owner. But Tord was nowhere to be seen.

"Why wouldn't he come back?" Tom wondered out loud since he was the only one left near the lockers. "So that's your friend?" A voice questioned tauntingly, causing the boy with black eyes to frantically turn. 

"T-Tord, you mean?" He stammered, looking at the boy he didn't recognize. "Yeah, he made me miss class yesterday so I reported him to the principal. That asshole." He scoffed, looking Tom up and down.

"W-Wait what exactly happened?" He paused to listen. "I was just walking into history class and he yanked me away, then told me to leave." The boy grunted, folding his arms. "I thought Tord was in that class for that hour." Tom cocked his head with confusion. "Definitely not." The boy sighed angrily, and then offered his hand, "The name's Aronn, and you?"

Tom hesitantly took his hand and shook it awkwardly. "I-I'm Tom, Tord and I hung out the whole day yesterday. I just met him and-" He was cut off upon seeing Tord walking over to him, which just made his mind go blank for a moment. Was he supposed to run up to him like they were friends? Or run away because he's insane?

"A-And we were getting to know one another." Tom finished then looked up at Tord who stood by his side, giving Aronn a questioning glare. "Leave." The tallest one spat at Aronn, who seemed bewildered by this act. "You're the popular kid, the mature kid, what the fuck happened?" He hissed at Tord, offended.

"I will fucking slit your throat." He said lowly, taking Tom's hand forcibly. Aronn looked down at Tom, slightly afraid of whatever was going on. After a moment of Tord staring him down, Aronn quickly walked away. "B-but Tord he's going to report you!" Tom gasped, tugging on his arm in a bit of a panic.

"My father's the principal. I mean if anything my dad will just check up on me... I... yeah. You're right actually." Tord closed his eyes, something felt very off. "But we can't undo mistakes we've made in the past..." He tensed up, confusing the smaller boy in blue. "Past..." He mumbll l e

"A-And we were getting to know one another." Tom finished then looked up at Tord who stood by his side, giving Aronn a questioning glare. "Leave." The tallest one spat at Aronn, who seemed bewildered by this act. "You're the popular kid, the mature kid, what the fuck happened?" He hissed at Tord, offended.

"I w-" Tord sucked in a breath of air he didn't realize he needed, "I'm trying to get to know my new friend, is all." He said lowly, taking Tom's hand forcibly. Aronn looked down at Tom, slightly confused of whatever was going on. After a moment of Tord staring him down, Aronn quickly walked away. "You're real weird sometimes." Tom sighed with a bit of laughter.

Tord sighed as well, relaxing a bit. "Oh?" Tom nodded solemnly. "So... you're an interesting person." Tord stated then continued to admire his new favorite human. "Mm..." Tom shyly looked away, once again heated by his very presence.

"Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" He brought Tom into an empty classroom, closing the doors behind them then checking the room's schedule just to be sure. "I-I can't think of anything interesting." Tom sat up on one of the desks in front of the large windows which led into the courtyard, and it was filled with green trees and flowers, backlit by the up and coming sun.

"Well I'll tell you a bit about myself first then. My mom and I are from Norway. She met my dad in London. I'm eighteen years old, my dad's the principal. They both were in the British army for a few years. There, now your turn." He walked up to Tom with a content smirk on his face, placing his hand on the desk, leaning over him. 

"I-I'm... I'm..." He looked up at Tord, who was hovering right over him. "I..." He blushed a deep red and his eyebrows tilted upward pathetically. "You're so easily flustered~" He teased the shy boy, using a determined and confident stare. Every move was an intense calculation to get just what he wanted.

"Mm!" Tom squealed and pulled his hood onto his head, then over part of his face to hide in embarrassment. It was too much to handle. "Aw~" He chuckled softly and carefully lifted the hood, then ran his hand through his fluffy brown hair. 

Tom looked up at him pitifully, tearing up from how shy he was, struggling to maintain eye contact. "W-We don't e-even know each other..." He held his hands up to his face shyly.

"Well I'm assuming you're 18 since we're in the same grade, and I know your name is Tom, so what's something new you could tell me?" Tord smiled a bit, thinking Tom's shyness is adorable.

"I-I have a pet cat named Iris. She's very fluffy..." Tom relaxed slightly, pulling his arms back in his sleeves so the extra fabric hung off the ends of his balled fists. He was unknowingly precious and cute.

Thigh-High (TordTom) NSFWNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ