Plateau City

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       Depa watches as her Padawan goes through a dumpster for food scraps. It's been days since the attack and things haven't gotten easier at all. The constant fatigue and hunger mixed with paranoia makes surviving hard. When did things come to this? Searching the garbage for food. The Jedi are loyal protectors not thieving scavengers. 

       "Master?" Caleb's voice steals her attention. She looks up to see the boy empty handed. 

       "You mustn't call me that. They could hear you." She quietly scolds him. He runs his hand through his hair. 

       "I'm sorry but what do I call you then?" He asks politely. To be honest Depa has no clue. Padawans don't usually call their masters by first name, it's a formality but now that the Jedi are dead, Depa has no idea how to go on with life. 

       "We'll come to that later. Let's keep moving, we can't stay still for long." She says looking up into the rainy sky. It occurs to her that she's never been on her own. She's gone on solo missions but she's always had a place to go home to. Now it's just her and her Padawan against the entire galaxy. 

       The two settle down in a barely dry spot in an alleyway. Depa lets Caleb take the driest spot to lie down. She's been giving him everything. Food, shelter, as much warmth as she can. While she's starving herself. Caleb knows this and he's protested many times but Depa refuses to rest. It's rare for her to let Caleb take a night watch. 

       "Mast- um... Depa? I should take watch. You haven't slept in a while." Caleb takes hold of her shoulder. She feels a tsunami of sadness crash over her when Caleb's gaze meets hers. He looks worried and scared but she knows he's right. As much as she hates the idea, Caleb has to take one watch. 

       "I suppose so. Only a few hours though." She sits down beside him and tilts her head against the stone wall. It's cold and she's soaked to the bone but she manages to fall asleep almost instantly. 

       Caleb smiles seeing his master finally getting the rest she needs. She's been taking care of him but hasn't let him take care of her. Caleb takes this opportunity to meditate by himself. He has questions that need answers. He closes his eyes and focuses on the force while listening to his surroundings. 

       He felt a flood of relief sensing the Force around him. It brings a calmness with it. That is until he hears footsteps approaching. His eyes burst open to see a tall figure standing over him. Caleb instinctively reaches for his Lightsaber and ignites the glowing blade. 

       "Do you want to be caught, kid?" A familiar voice says in a mocking voice. Caleb holds the blade steady ready to protect his master. She's so exhausted the noice around them hasn't woken her up. 

       "Stay back... and don't call me kid." Caleb snarls defensively. The figure laughs and steps closer to the blade letting the light show his face. Janus Kasmir, a Kalleran they met before the clones tried killing them. He tosses something large towards Caleb. When he catches it Caleb recognizes the object as a meiloorun fruit. He holds it in his arms as he watches as Kasmir starts to walk off. 

       "Wait. How did you know we were alive?" Caleb questions the Kalleran. Kasmir turns around and starts walking back towards the boy. 

       "It's not hard to spot two people dressed like Jedi in the streets. I suggest you change that soon before someone reports it." Kasmir suggests in a 'matter of fact' way. Caleb raises an eyebrow, sceptical of the advice. 

       "Well, good luck kid. You'll need it." Kasmir starts walking away again. Caleb can't miss this opportunity and calls out to the alien one more time. 

       "Wait! Please. We need a place to stay, just for one night." Caleb asks sounding almost desperate. At this point anything but concrete would be an upgrade to sleep on. Kasmir hesitates for a moment but his gaze slightly softens. 

       "One night. That's it then you're on your way." He says sternly. Caleb's expression lightens up almost immediately.

       "Yes of course!" He answers practically shouting. Caleb kneels down on the ground in front of his master. He grips Depa's shoulder in his hand and gently shakes her trying to wake her quietly. A bit of guilt lays inside Caleb waking her up after only half an hour or so of sleeping. 

       "Caleb? Is something wrong?" Depa's voice shakes as she slowly awakens. Her eyes open making contact with Caleb's. 

       "You remember the Kalleran that basically insulted you? He's offered us a place to stay the night." Caleb says running his hand through his hair nervously. Looking back at it this guy might not be the best person to trust but what choice do they have. Depa raises an eyebrow but gingerly stands up to greet Kasmir. 

       "Master General Jedi." Kasmir bows his head mocking how Jedi greet each other. Depa simply stands still looking up at the Kalleran towering over her. 

       "My Padawan tells me you offered a place to stay?" She questions, side glancing at Caleb. Kasmir smiles showing his pointed teeth. 

       "Of course. My ship is this way." He continues walking down the alleyway. Caleb looks up to Depa searching for approval. She nods and they both start following Janus Kasmir through the streets.  

Part 2 is finished. I love Kasmir, he's gotta be one of my favourite parts of the Kanan comics. I wish he got a mention in Rebels or even an appearance. A Kanan and Kasmir reunion would have made me cry. 

One of my favourite Jedi is Depa Billaba. 

(in order, also these are just Jedi. I don't have any other characters in this list) 

1. Ezra Bridger 

2. Depa Billaba 

3. Anakin Skywalker 

4. Kanan Jarrus 

5. Obi Wan Kenobi 

6. Ahsoka Tano 

7. Luke Skywalker 

8. Rey Skywalker 

9. Shaak Ti

10. Mace Windu

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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