Favorite T-shirt

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A/N: I've been vibing with musical interwoven situations so there might be more but don't hold me to that if I change my mind. As always; I haven't edited at all and I wrote this is about 30 minutes. Maybe one day I'll come back and properly edit these. Probably not though. OH and this is an unreal song by Jake Scott called Favorite T-shirt give it a listen while reading if you're into that. If not give it a listen separately another time because this song is worth it.

I been sittin' here tryna figure out
What did I do right to be with you right now?
I put my arm round your shoulder
To see if I can pull you closer

Lauren leaned back lazily into the arm thrown over her chair. It'd been hours since they had arrived and though they had arrived separately they both knew they were going home together. Joey looking over at her with a face of sheer determination as he managed to tuck his hand behind the back of her seat and slid her closer to him. Lauren took to this shift immediately, turned her head into him, laying on his shoulder, before whispering to him that it was time to go. He let out a low chuckle, helping her to her feet and slipped his arm around her waist, holding her upright as they made their rounds of goodbyes. Though they were shortened for sleepy Lauren's sake they were still far too long for her liking. Joey then grabbed both her bag and his jacket before leading the two of them out the door. Joey insisted on driving on account of her inability to keep her eyes open inside. Lauren quickly responded with how the fresh outside air had awoken her and she felt confident in her ability to operate the vehicle. Joey had already buckled into the drivers seat, face plastered in a smile that never seemed to leave when he was around Lauren, grabbed her hand and left them interlocked atop her thigh. They drove off together as they knew they would.

And I didn't wanna say it
But I honestly thought of growing older
I saw your eyes in the city lights and almost said
"I want you so bad tonight"

He parked at the overlook he knew like the back of his hands. Having grown up so close to the city had so many advantages but the one he was most grateful for was his upper hand in the ability to impress Lauren with all the cool spots he knew. Joey turned the car off and the pair attempted to shimmy onto the hood of the car. It was way more difficult and less graceful than movies like to pretend it is. They did finally make it up there, laughing at how hard they struggled until Lauren had looked out over the city. She immediately quieted just taking the view in. It was so lit up and beautiful from where they were so far above that it left Lauren breathless. Joey was having a similar reaction unable to take his eyes off of Lauren, her mouth slightly open shocked by the beauty before her eyes wide capturing, what Joey had figured, was every single light in the city. Joey wanted nothing more than to grab her right there and do all sorts of things to her, while leaving the lights of the city in eyes. He instead opted on pulling her close to him, the two settling into one another, a position very familiar to both of them. Lying there in silence with nothing but the wind in the trees and their combined heartbeats, each one took a deep breath and let out an inaudible sigh of contentment.

You were kissin' my neck, you were makin' me nervous
And none of our friends would believe it
You were puttin' your hands up under my shirt
Makin' fun of the way I was breathin'

They had been snuggled on top of his car surrounded by thousands of stars and the most outstanding view of the city below but neither one had been able to look away from the other for more than 30 seconds. It took all of 10 minutes for their lips to connect, instantly exploring one another as though they hadn't ended almost every night this month with lustful kisses in one of their bedrooms. Lauren knowing exactly what to do to get the reaction she wanted, slowly made her way down to the crook of his neck, trailing light kisses her whole way down. Settled in her desired location she forcefully turned his head leaving that area more exposed as she began her attack. A soft combination of suction and light nibbles did the trick as Joey's mind began to cloud over ever so slightly. Joey tried to sound firm but his voice was way to breathy as he called her name and offered they move back inside the vehicle. Lauren gave a final swipe of her tongue over the spot on his neck she had been working on. She slid off the hood silently taking his hand.

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