I pick you

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The air was cold as Lauren and Joey stepped out of the terminal. Lauren loved being in LA but there were certain seasonal things that she missed so deeply about Michigan especially during the fall season. Lauren and Joey had decided to go spend a few days with Lauren's parents, it'd been way too long since she had seen them and everyone knew it was high time for that reunion. The first two days were lovely, her brother and sister in law had come up to visit as well.
By day three, Lauren had a little bit too much of her family and childhood home.
"I don't wanna be inside anymore Jay I'm losing it. Let's go on an adventure!"
Lauren bounced on her toes tugging Joey's arm towards the front door. Joey laughed and looked up 'fun things to do in Michigan' on Google not truly sure what he was hoping to find. When nothing came up, Lauren suggested Lee's Turkey Farm and he attempted to plug it into google maps. Lauren already sitting in her seat, smiled at him trying to explain what to expect. He plugged his phone into the aux and peeled out.

The 10 minutes passed before they arrived at the small orchid. The car ride was as expected, Lauren humming softly mindlessly scrolling down on Twitter, and Joey yelling at the cars around him for driving so slowly because it was a one lane backroad. She would lean over to rub his arm, reminding him that this was Michigan and people don't have the same urgency while on the road. Finally, they pulled up to the dirt road, that led them to Lee's before parking in an open field. They called it a farm but upon quick inspection, Joey deduced it was mainly various vegetables and an apple orchid. That did not seem to bother Lauren who was giddy to be back having spent many autumn hours in her youth here with it being the other side of the woods by her home. The pair collected their admission wrist bands and made their way over to the apple trees.

Lauren tried to reach up for an apple but they were both well aware that Lauren's height would inhibit her from getting the better ones. Joey laughed at the shorter girl who was stood on her toes to reach a specific granny smith she had her eye on. He went to grab it for her but she swatted his hand away insisting on grabbing it for herself. He rolled his eyes and squatted allowing her to climb on his back in order to reach it. With lighthearted reluctance, Lauren climbed onto him and was successful in grabbing the fruit she wanted. She moved the arm holding the apple loosely around his neck and her hand that was not holding the apple to run through his hair. She dropped a light kiss into his hair near his right temple before sliding back down to the ground. He looked down to her, eyes shining up at him, her shirt slightly ruffled st the bottoms as a result for her descent. He whipped out his phone and took a picture of her, she looked so good in this lighting face scrunched up out of pure joy from the day they were having. He loved that they were now public and he no longer need to restrain himself but they were still working out what their boundaries were. He knew the second he took the picture he intended to keep this one just for himself.

They wandered up and down the rows of apple trees making jokes and filling up the basket. The pair fell silent walking hand in hand back toward the exit to buy their new pickings. Joey was keenly aware Lauren kept stealing glances at him before they reached the center isle and Lauren stopped walking. She tugged at his arm motioning up the center, in the opposite direction, toward the forrest behind the farm.

"Lo if I keep carrying these around my arm will fall off." Joey started tugging her back. They comprised first they would pay for the apples and then go back to the woods.

There was an unofficial but well established path that Lauren led Joey through as they climbed over rocks, around mud, and under fallen trees. They reached a clearing about five minutes in and Lauren took Joey to the center and laid down look up at the clouds. Joey silently joined her and she moved onto his torso in a perpendicular position. Joey ran his fingers through her hair. She took a deep breath and rolled onto her side to face him.
"When I was younger I used to come here all the time. Both to the farm but also once I found this clearing I spent hours here. This sounds really fucking dumb but I would whisper my wishes into the wind and just think. This is also where I practiced for all of my college auditions."

"Lo that's so cute." Joey cut her off.

She placed her hand on his chest pushing herself on her back once again facing the sky and continued. "I always pictured bringing "my guy' here." She made air quotes while chuckling quickly then dropped her hand onto his thigh. "I pictured us being happy just to be together and bringing him here. In my head it was like a music video because I was 13 what did I know about love? I also never thought I'd find him. I thought I was unlovable and that I would always only be the stepping stool for guys until they found someone better. When all was said and done if given the choice to pick me or another girl, I was never chosen. So according my own sense of judgement, no one was worthy and no one ever saw my safe haven. But you Joey Richter," she sat up and crawled up to his face. She looked down into his eyes which were already staring at her wide. "You make me feel special, loved, wanted, all of it. You are my absolute best friend and I want to share everything with you. If these woods could talk, they have seen me at my highest but oh boy, have they seen me at my lowest. I think they would be proud of me, of what I've accomplished, who I've become, and that I brought in a good one." She said poking at his side. He laughed, sitting up capturing her in his arms.
"Lauren? I know I did the whole proposal thing already but can we redo it? Right here?" Joey asked into her ear his hand sliding down to play with the ring on her finger. She made a fist not allowing him to remove the ring.
"Okay that's very cute but absolutely not I do not intend to take this off if I don't need to ever again. You can just tell me nice things." She moved back to look at him again now properly seated on his lap. Joey's hand caught her cheek.
"I love you Lauren Lopez from now till forever and even if you're a little bit too high up on the tree, and I need some help, I will always pick you."

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