S ~ Or Nah

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The days for them passed as usual as always. An exchange of curt nods, Hello Potter and Good Morning Malfoy, and then they would be on their way. Never lingering too long at each other. Never interacting more with each other. Just keeping to their own selves.

But when they met at night it was different. It was sneaky and against the new rules set in place by McGonagall. They met in a cloud of passion and lust, pajamas or robes tearing and buttons scattering, and then one or the other was getting bent over and taken roughly from behind on every available surface the room supplied them with.

And then, just like the mornings, it would end in an exchange of satisfied sighs and Goodbye Potter and See you later Malfoy. Never kisses. They never kissed for it was far too intimate for the previous enemies. It was far too much for them to accept the obvious feelings they harbored for the other. So they crushed each of their souls in their blissful ignorance each too scared to make a move that would advance whatever it was they shared.

Today was the same as each morning. Waking up and heading to the Great Hall. Harry and Draco slid into their newly assigned seats at the newly made unified tables. Gone were the greens, and reds, and yellows, and blues, and in place were mixtures of black and white with the four symbols sewn on each flag. Just another way to include the houses for after the war Slytherin had been outcasted from the others, the green students treated as if they were Voldemort themselves.

Most of them left and never returned which led to this new redecoration of Hogwarts. But some of the tougher ones, including the Slytherin Ice Trio, had returned heads held high and wands pointed defending themselves from the elder students and using their biting remarks to defend from the younger ones. For even they new that it wouldn't be wise to hex the littles.

But while being 'united', they were still quite separated and so they had to find ways to incorporate themselves. Essentially in a way asking for forgiveness. Slytherins like Millicent, Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore had no problem fitting right back in as they didn't have a major acting role in the sides of the war. Their only flaws was having the same qualities fitting them into the cursed house.

But for one, it wasn't as easy. For others weren't as quick to forgive unless they had heard from their Wizarding Hero that it was okay. Because everyone felt that Draco personally owed an apology towards Harry after all of the mess he had put the raven haired boy through. However, many of them didn't know of the anguish that was also placed upon the young Malfoy.

That's how they ended up in the room together in the first place. After refusing to apologize for knocking past Harry to which the raven haired boy responded with Good morning Malfoy, see you in potions, a few of the younger Gryffindors felt like their idol deserved better than a See you there Potter.

And the platinum haired boy found himself bound and tied inside the room as he deemed it wrong to spell and curse the six fifth years. So he took his embarrassment and sucked it up and stayed locked in the room tied to a chair until the door was opened and in walked the hero of the wizarding world, his hair flopping messily as always and ugly as sin glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.

And Draco couldn't help but roll his eyes as the room refused to unbind him until he was giving Harry Potter the sincerest apology he could manage. And Harry had taken off the loosening ties and pulled Draco into a tight hug dragging his hands through the white locks despite the fact that Draco protested over the years about the bodily harm he would inflict if anyone touched his hair.

Harry couldn't help but inhale that drool worthy scent of fresh apples while Draco couldn't stop his arms from wrapping around the slightly shorter male and suffocating on the smell of the treats Harry liked to sneak and snack on. And a hug led to nuzzling, which led to sucking on necks made of smooth skin before Harry found himself leaned over a small couch in the corner.

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