// 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡 (i'll take a mile)

Start from the beginning

The Guardian's eyes went wide, wider than [Y.Name] had yet to see, as the implication set in.

"Honestly, if you didn't, you really should have. She started yelling out while hiding on the opposite side of the park fence, which, you know, isn't exactly covered. There could've been people in the street, or-"

"How do I know that you're telling the truth?" Fu questioned him.

"How can you know?" [Y.Name] waved the spell book around in front of the man's face. "I watched her kwami pull this up from out of the trash. If such a creature has an interest in it, wouldn't the most logical next step be to take it to someone who knows what it is? Like, I don't know, the Guardian?"

"Then what interest do you have for it? You must know that the book most likely came from the possession of Hawk Mo-"

"I know," [Y.Name] interrupted, his expression blank. "I know because I've been with him."

Fu lit up, lifting his shoulders. "Then what are you waiting for? Let's put an end to this right now."

"That's a terrible idea. He knows the book is missing and that he's the most likely suspect. Why on Earth would you try to attack a man who's already on high alert?"

[Y.Name] sighed once more, this time out of frustration rather than for the theatrics.

"You don't seem to get it, do you? I'm not looking to defeat him. Not yet, anyway." There were still many things Gabriel could be hiding. [Y.Name] didn't even know his motivations yet. "So, let me spell it out for you one more time. You cannot tell Ladybug or Chat Noir, or any other superhero that may pop up who I am. In return, I won't spill your secrets to Hawk Moth, and I'll inform you when I decide it's the right time to take him down. Oh, and I'll be taking this back as well. Do we have a deal?"

Fu contemplated it for a very long time. [Y.Name] understood why; Fu needed to trust that he would keep his word. As a final thought, he added, "Please, telling him would screw me over just as badly. And, frankly, I don't really wanna screw myself over."

At last, the old man gently shook his head with a soft click of his tongue. "Alright, we have a deal. But I cannot let that book leave this room without a copy of the information."

[Y.Name] held it out to him. "Scan it or take a photo or whatever. I don't really care. Just try to do it quickly. I'm running a little late for something."

Fu sat at the low table, taking a picture of each page. Quietly, he asked, "What do I tell Ladybug about where it's gone?"

[Y.Name] rolled his eyes. "I don't know. Why do I have to come up with the solution to everything? You figure it out."

Once finished, [Y.Name] hid the book at the bottom of his bag, under a couple of things to make sure it wasn't overtly obvious, ready to return to the Agreste household.

Grounded for life were the words Adrien used when describing his situation. No longer allowed to attend school, can't go out unless it's for his extracurricular classes—granted, he could hardly go out anyway—and there was no way for him to rectify it since he had no idea where the book disappeared.

[Y.Name] chewed at the inside of his cheek as he patted Adrien on the back, who had his forehead pressed into the top of his chest. "Is there really no other way to convince your father to let you go?"

"No..." Adrien bemoaned, switching from his forehead to his cheek. "I'm just glad he still lets you over. I really needed to vent to someone."

"Whenever you need me, whenever I can be here, I'll be here for you. No one could stop me from getting in."

"I think my bodyguard would stop you pretty easily."

"I'd find a way. I'll go through the window if I have to."

Adrien giggled and [Y.Name] was glad his attempt at cheering him up was at least a partial success. "I will look high and low, across the entirety of Paris, to find this book if it means you can go back to school. And when that time comes, because it will, we can take everyone and sneak away to celebrate. Even if it's only for a little."

"That would be nice. I'm glad you're confident, because I don't know where to start."

[Y.Name] pulled Adrien's head off of him, squishing his face between his hands, and looked sharply into his eyes. "Trust me, it'll work out. Just focus on getting through the day. It's getting late now."

The sun, beginning to shield itself from view behind the cityscape, cast a lively golden glow through the window. Adrien's hair shimmered even brighter than usual under the light, the shadows blurred across his skin, and the last of his apprehension was jumbled through the forced pursing of his lips.

[Y.Name] let him go, hooking his fingers tenderly under his jaw and lifting. "Chin up, sunshine."

Adrien beamed up at him.

The two parted ways shortly after, [Y.Name] leaving Adrien in his room as he headed for the door. However, he made a brief detour into the atelier, finding the sculptures and photos thrown haphazardly throughout the space.

Already aware of the plan, [Y.Name] moved to the painting on the far wall, revealing the safe behind it. "Azzie, if you'd be so kind."

The kwami unlocked the code-protected door, leaving the final step of [Y.Name] placing the book back inside, a sticky note from Nathalie's desk stuck on the cover.

As a last-minute addition, he drew a little heart.

'Get your own shit next time ♥︎'

When he got a call from Adrien that night, ecstatically explaining that he'd been ungrounded, [Y.Name] only had one thing pass through his mind.

Azzie was right. He can't handle two weeks after all.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐆𝐔𝐘 • adrien agresteWhere stories live. Discover now