Astromomy tower pt 2

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A/N: sorry that it took so long to update, I've been busy finishing up school for winter break. This will be a part 2 from the chapter before this one.
Hope you enjoy!


Autumn's POV

I was standing next to Draco, admiring the stars. It had been at least 20 minutes of silence, just the two of us enjoying the view. It was perfect.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.
"Nothing, my mind is actually silent for once." He replies as he sits down with his feet hanging off the bottom of the rails. I join him by sitting down and drawing my attention back to the view.

"What are you thinking about?" He curiously asks. "Just thinking about my boring week." I reply. "Ah, what's boring about it?" He questions with his eyebrow raised. "It seems like I'm living the same day over and over." I explain.

"Oh, well... maybe you should make a change." He responds. "Hmm... maybe." I say while looking down and smiling. "You know, you could eat lunch at the slytherin table sometime, since we're acquaintances... I guess." He states.

"Is that allowed?" I question. "Probably not, but you said you wanted to make a change, so why not do things that aren't allowed?" He asks while smirking. "Hmm... are you trying to get me in trouble, Malfoy?" I ask while trying to hold my smile, but end up failing. "Maybe. You wouldn't be so bored if you hung out with us slytherins." He snarkily replies.

"Maybe I will then." I say while looking at him and slightly smilie. He hums in response while grinning. We suddenly heard footsteps come from behind us as we saw Professor McGonagall approaching us. "You must be off the your common rooms, it is past curfew." She states. "Oh, I'm sorry... I lost track of time." I apologize.

"It's alright, dear. I informed the rest of the Professors so there's no hurry." She kindly replies. "Thank you." I say.
She walks away leaving me and Draco.
"McGonagall has never liked me, I'm surprised she didn't have a fit." Draco states. "Well... she likes me, so that's  probably why she didn't get frustrated."
I respond.

"Hmm... does every Professor like you?" He asks while rolling his eyes.
"Well... not every Professor. Professor Snape hates me." I reply with an annoyed look plastered on my face.
"Well, He sure does like me." Draco rudely replies. "Lucky..." I murmur.

"I should get going, I had a nice time... I guess." I say while getting up and shaking his hand. "Yeah... I did too." He replies while slightly smiling as I walked away. "Don't forget... lunch tomorrow!" He shouts as I turn around and nod my head up and down.

This was one weird night. I shake off my thoughts as I make my way to the Ravenclaw common room. Luna must be worried sick. As soon as I walked in, Luna stands up from her seat and says, "There you are! I was worried sick!"
"Oh, I'm alright." I reply while chuckling. She suddenly looks down at me in a look of confusion... or almost, horror? "W-why do you have a slytherin robe on?" She asks with wide eyes.

Darn, I must have forgotten to give Draco his robe back. I can't think of the right thing to say as many thoughts are going through my mind. What if he did this on purpose? "O-oh, I went to the astronomy tower and there were some slytherins there, one of them lended me their robes because I got cold. I must have forgotten to give it back." I explain.

"Oh, I've never heard of nice slytherins." She replies while laughing.
"Oh forgive me, not everyone from that house is mean. Maybe they got put in there when they didn't want to be in that house." She starts worrying.

"Oh, don't worry Luna... it's ok." I assure while laughing. "Ah, Autumn... you always know how to make me feel better. But I must say, you have been acting strange recently." She says as her smile changes into a look of concern.

"Oh, I'm alright... I just feel like... like I need to do more unique things." I reply. "Ah, well you are free to do so! We should probably get to bed." She states while smiling and grabbing my arm to walk me up stairs.

She drifted off to sleep immediately as I couldn't fall asleep, I was too busy pondering about my night with Draco.
How was I going to give his robe back to him? I guess tomorrow at lunch?

*chapter end*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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