Chapter 16: Konoha Crush!

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Y/n's p.o.v

With Sasuke's fight drawing near, Kakashi-sensei decided to move to the audience seat to get a closer look, I followed him while Naruto and Shikamaru left. Sasuke's fight has finally begun, the hyped-up match was expected to be a lopsided win for Sasuke. but most of us had agreed, Gaara would be no joke, and he was not to be underestimated. Although judging from the crowd's reaction, most of the crowd fell victim to this overestimation of Sasuke's skills and underestimation of Gaara's.

Gaara released a plume of sand, forcing Sasuke to jump back. Gaara momentarily stopped his attack, clutching his face and muttering indiscernible words to himself. The sand bogged down into the ground. Sasuke threw a handful of Shuriken that was blocked by the Sand. Sasuke charged at Gaara, throwing more Shuriken that was easily blocked.

Sasuke was using taijutsu to fight Gaara, it seemed effective until he was ensnared by Sand. He pulled himself free and started to kick, before disappearing and suddenly appearing behind Gaara! He had used Lee's taijutsu move that nearly brought him victory. Although I had increased my base speed tenfold, it seems Sasuke might've surpassed me. Finally, one of Sasuke's strikes were true; Gaara's body was flung.

Sasuke burst forth with tremendous speed! The Sand Shinobi was clearly struggling, even his impenetrable sand was now exposed to be vulnerable. Soon Gaara was getting thrashed and if Sasuke keeps this up, this might be a lopsided win. The Sand Ninja had dropped to the ground,

Y/n: Kakashi-sensei, how did Sasuke get to this point in a month?

Kakashi: Well, the same way you managed to improve your overall fighting prowess in a month, copying Lee.

Y/n: What?

Kakashi: Simple, you copied Rock Lee's weighted clothing training, Sasuke copied Rock Lee's fighting style with his Sharingan.

Y/n: But Kakashi-sensei, Gaara managed to beat the very same Taijutsu, what makes Sasuke powerful enough to defeat him?

Kakashi: Just watch.

Gaara had formed a sphere of Sand to protect him, Sasuke tried to attack the ball and blood started pouring from his knuckles, it seems this won't be a lopsided fight. Gaara still had more in him, and his impenetrable defence is still impenetrable.

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei!!!

Our attention was then focused on Naruto and Shikamaru,

Naruto: The guy Sasuke is fighting is completely different from the rest of us! He's about as far from normal as you can get!

Y/n: What's your point Naruto?

Naruto: he thinks the only point in life is to kill! If the fight continues, Sasuke's gonna die!

A Spiral of sand had appeared above Gaara, an eye coming with it.

Naruto: You guys gotta believe me! Sensei please, you have to stop this match right away!

Kakashi: What? Relax, no need to panic. You know Sasuke and I wasn't just goofing around. There's a reason we were late going here.

Sakura: Then what were you guys doing?

Naruto: Come on Sensei! This is no time for talki-

Kakashi: You're right, so shut up and watch. Keep your eye on Sasuke, He's about to surprise you.

Sasuke jumped up, forming Hand signs and streaks of electricity formed in his hand. This technique seemed very similar to my Shatterpoint yet very different. Could Sasuke have learned his own Finisher technique?

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