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Within a week, Willow Cottage had been transformed from the run down, dust covered house it had spent the last couple decades as to a bright, cozy home as it had once been.

It had been just over a month since she had left Hogwarts with her Godbrother and his wife  and now she had a home, an inheritance and a letter from Charlie Weasley on her kitchen counter.
She smiles to herself when she recognises the messy scrawl on her friends handwriting. Opening it, Erica expected a short, hurried reply- an acknowledgment of the short paragraph she'd sent not long ago explaining her change of address. However, a grin creeps onto her lips as her eyes flickers down the piece of parchment in her hand and grows when she has to flip the sheet in her hand to read his sign off.

Charlie was coming to see her, sooner than previously assumed. In his letter he described the gap that had opened up in his work schedule and how he'd be arriving by the end of the week.

Erica knew that being in this house should probably make her sad, all those memories of her childhood- what once was but no longer is... but she didn't feel sad, she could barely remember most of her time here and if anything the memories she still held close to her heart made her feel closer to her Godfather than she had in a long time.
Her guilty truth was that once they'd moved to number 12 Grimmauld Place, Remus had started working harder for Dumbledore and what was left of the Order of the Phoenix. With Erica old enough to care mostly for herself and heading off to Hogwarts soon enough anyway: he threw himself into his work.
This made her sad, even then. She felt abandoned but her Godfather in the same way her father had before.
Logically, of course, she knew both her father and her Godfather loved her dearly but it didn't feel that way at the time, she grew to resent her father, the Order... even Remus and regrettably, when she cane of age she refused to fight. And that was a guilt she'd have to live with.

In Loving Memory of Erica Black (2)Where stories live. Discover now