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"Okay so, is there anything you want to do? Now that you can I mean.." Ginny Potter asks once she'd recovered from the story her guest told.
"Well, seeing as Teddy is still at school... I think I'd actually really love to see Charlie." Erica replied thoughtfully, "would you mind if I borrowed an owl Ginny?".
"Nono, of course not. Aruna's our on an errand at the moment but she'll be back soon enough"
"Thank you" she smiles.

Dear Charlie,
I chose life, with you, with Teddy.
I'm staying with your sister and Harry for now.
I would really love to see you again,
Erica W Black

My dearest Erica,
I would, of course, love to see you too.
However, I am very busy at the reserve at the moment. I'm sorry but I won't be able to see you until at least the end of April, maybe May.


"Oh..." Erica whispers Almost silently as she looks down to the smooth surface of the Potters' dining room table, her hair falling from behind her ear to cover her face- concealing the single tear that runs down her cheek. She drops the piece of parchment carelessly to the table with a jagged, emotional sigh.
The kitchen door clatters open, startling her. She wipes her cheeks hurriedly as Ginny and her daughter Lily walks in carrying bags of groceries.

"Hey Erica, Oh! Did Charlie send a reply?" The woman asks as she places her bag down on the counter and pulls her wand from her waist band, waving it lazily to begin unpacking it.
"Um, yea. Yea he replied. He won't be able to come for a few weeks at the earliest" she said, stuttering slightly but with a smile painted on her face.
Ginny nods wordlessly but flashes her new friend a pitying look.
Erica notices the little girls difficulty with her bag of shopping.
"Hey, I've got you flower" she smiles, a genuine one this time, and lifts the bag from the child's arms to the counter. The petite girl grins up at Erica in awe.
"Erica...?" The girl asks.
"Yyyeeessss lily?" The woman replies, making her giggle.
"Why don't you use magic?" She questions, gesturing towards her mother.
Erica laughs, not patronisingly but with understanding. "Ah," she nods, kneeling down to the girls level "well you see, somethings I do use magic for, but others I like to do by hand, the Muggle way." She smiles "does that make sense?".
The child thinks for a moment before nodding.
"Cool" she grins, waves her wand at the bag and winks at the little girl beside her as it begins to unpack itself.
Ginny Potter smiles at her daughter and her friend, proudly as she continues unpacking.

In Loving Memory of Erica Black (2)Where stories live. Discover now