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"Well, welcome to our home" Ginny Potter smiles at Erica, glancing over at her clearly uncomfortable husband.
"You'll have to sleep in our oldest sons room tonight, I'm afraid, I'll show you to it later, the bathroom too."
She explains.
"Are you hungry Erica? Would you like something to eat?" This question caught Erica off guard- not because she didn't expect it but because they realised the answer. "Oh, no thank you..." The two potters sent her an odd look,
"Are you sure...? You've been dead for twenty years, eating something may help..." Ginny pried further.
"No really, I'm not at all hungry. Thank you though." Erica reassures.
"you have a lovely home Ginny, Harrry" she smiles, awkwardly.


"Okay, so this is Teddy's room, where you'll be staying for now" Ginny smiles, holding out a small pile of clothes "these are mine so they may be a little big, I'm sorry about that but it'll have to do for now"
"It's okay, thank you Ginny" I whisper, accepting them.
"Hey, Erica?" Ginny turns back to face her just as she reaches the door way.
"Yes?" She replies.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to but... what happened to you?"
"Ginny..." she sighed "would you mind if we discussed this in the morning?" She asks awkwardly.
"Oh, yes of course- sorry" she chuckles "I'll leave you for now, the bathroom is just across the hall- both our younger sons are at a sleepover but our daughter is down the hall so don't be startled if  you hear noises or something"
"Ginny... thank you again" They exchange smiles as Ginny leaves, pulling the door to being her.

Erica Black smiles at the familiar room, changing, for the first time in 20 years, into fresh clothes.
She lays down on Teddy's bed and feels two decades of exhaustion hit her like a wall.
Erica Black drifts into a deep sleep.

In Loving Memory of Erica Black (2)Where stories live. Discover now