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"Okay, so, Erica... I have a preposition for you" Harry Potter begins, sat beside his wife opposite Erica Black, his Godsister.
"It's only fair that you get half of what Sirius left, but with Teddy coming home from school in a couple months; we need him to have a bed to come home to. It's been nice to have you, don't get me wrong, but really now is the time to start thinking about what's next"
Erica's breath caught in her throat "Oh... o, okay" she stutters, in all honesty she hadn't considered that yet, she knew it was coming but hadn't let it plague her thoughts. "Of course, yes that makes sense..." she smiles.


"99,756 galleons, 8 sickles and 14 knuts," Harry read aloud "your half of the inheritance" he smiles at her awkwardly.
"Thank you Harry, you're a good man. My father loved you very much" Erica replied.
"There's also the issue of.. estate.." he sighs,
"I hope you don't mind but I gifted Grimmauld Place to the Order durin the war.." the man trailed off, looking almost guilty, she smiled reassuringly at her Godbrother "it's okay Harry," she interjects "I truely hated that house".
Harry chuckles, "yeah, so did Sirius..."
"Anyway," he exclaims, "as I was saying, there was a second property which technically went to you and Remus however, when you both... you know... it just got added in with the rest of his estate"
"Oh?" The woman muses, vaguely curious.
"I've never been personally, infact I didn't know I owned it until I reviewed Sirius' will..."
He coughs awkwardly, and avoids his Godsisters eyes, instead opting to squint down at the long roll of parchment in his hand.
"Willow Cottage?" He reads aloud "in Kent, apparently"
"Oh... Oh Merlin.." neither Ginny nor her Husband had ever seen Erica Black smile so wide, so child like, so genuine.
"Are you alright Erica?" Ginny asks reaching out to squeeze her hand.
"Yes, yes I'm perfect thank you" she grins.

In Loving Memory of Erica Black (2)Where stories live. Discover now