Chapter 1

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My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled with the chains wrapped tightly around my wrists. If a pack of wolves were coming it could only mean one thing, war! I had to get out of there as fast as possible, hopefully the lycans and hunters would be to preoccupied to catch me slipping away. In the werewolf world I was considered a Rogue which meant that I most likely wouldn't be treated any better by a pack of wolves.

Thanks to the blood and water on my wrists I managed to slip one loose, then the other. Once both of my hands were free I started working on my ankles. It burnt my flesh but I managed to wedge the chains apart far enough that I could pull my legs out of their hold. I sniffed the air and listened, the wolves were close. The sudden screech of the Hunter alarm system confirmed it.

I quickly took off towards the north, throughout the time I had been in captivity I had learned from other werewolves that the land to the north belonged to no one so it would be the best route for an escape. I believe they meant for themselves but none of them saw the light of day again. I guess I was just as lucky as I was unlucky. Whatever the hunter's wanted me for kept me alive but it was at a great cost.

I picked up my pace as I jumped over fallen trees and barreled through thorny bushes that scratched at me in retaliation. I could feel my fatigue hit me hard but I had no time to dwell on it. This was my chance, my only chance to escape hell. I stumbled over some roots that had emerged from the forest floor and that sent me tumbling forward. I summersaulted right into a rock. Well at least I thought it was rock until the rock spoke.

"What the hell are you doing rogue?" A deep male voice grumbled. I gulped and quickly found my footing. I felt my heart beat in my throat as I gulped at the big burley man in-front of me, he looked serious. "I-uh..." I stammered, what was I doing? That really would have a been good time to beg for mercy and spill my guts about the compound. Instead I looked at him like a fish out of water.

His eyes glazed over and then his face hardened, if it was possible he looked even more serious. This guy meant business and he radiated power. Was he what the others called an alpha?

"It seems like it's your lucky day rogue, you'll be coming back to my pack alive, follow me." He ordered me. My inner wolf didn't like taking orders but I decided it would be best to obey for the time being. He was to close for me to outrun him so I quickly hurried along behind him. The walked seemed like a long one but that was probably due to my jacked up leg I was carrying along.

Eventually we came to a clearing where around 10 wolves stood. "This is the rogue I found just north of the compound she seems to be injured but compliant enough." The man who found me spoke to a dark a burn wolf. The wolf nodded in understanding then in a quick movement a man appeared in it's place. "Are you the dark rogue? The one the hunter's use to kill?" He glared at me as he asked. I gulped his golden eyes were piercing right through my soul.

"Yes." I spoke softly. It was true the hunters used me as weapon. "Take her back to the pack and put her in a holding cell till the others return." He spoke to the man who had found me. He nodded in understanding the grabbed ahold of my neck and forced me to walk. My leg was on fire by then and I was starting to get dizzy. What would they do to me? Eventually we made it to a pack land I could feel the change in aura.

I couldn't walk any further though as I crumbled to the ground. My world was spinning and I couldn't focus on anything around me. "Hey kid what's wrong with you?" The man who had drug me here asked. I could focus well enough to respond though and soon found comfort in the darkness that enveloped me.

Calisto quickly dodged a silver bullet from a pistol. These hunter's really weren't playing around. He growled before launching himself at the human, in a swift movement he decapitated the man. He glanced around, most of the hunters had fled from the compound and this who were brave enough to stay and fight were dead.

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