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Notes (2020-12-19)

Hey all, starting up a new AU for #EdSer and I'm quite excited. The upside of an AU is that I can bend and twist canon when it suits the story😆 I needed Serkan to be a presence in Eda's life early on so they have something to build on, and him being her friend's brother somehow worked in my head. I also decided to sidestep the whole building-accident back story with Eda parents and Serkan's father, since that is already being covered on the show.

Anyway, I love a friends-to-lovers story and I thought Eda and Serkan fit the bill perfectly. Eda is going to enlist Serkan to help her with her love-life, and somewhere along the way maybe the tables turn a little.

Looking forward to sharing this story with you. I promise to finish it😊, and to put chapters out at regular intervals - at least once per week.

P.S Shoutout to LegendOfLisa1 for being my sounding board 😘🤗


Eda, Ceren, Melo and Fifi are the best of friends. Eda's known Ceren the longest, and by association, she's known Ceren's brother, Serkan, for as long as she can remember too.

He's back from finishing up his studies and wrapping up a job in London to move back to Istanbul permanently, and Eda thinks he's just the guy to hook her up with his friend Kaan who she's been crushing on.

Serkan thinks love is an overrated concept, but finally agrees to help, albeit unwillingly.

What happens as they spend more time together so Eda can be with the man of her dreams, and Serkan realizes that maybe he was wrong about that thing called love?



The older child of the Bolat household, Serkan has been away for the last few years, first getting his degree in London and then picking up a job there. His dad had been pressuring him to take over the family architectural business and Serkan finally succumbed. He arrived in Istanbul and was immediately handed the reins, as his parents flew off to Italy to spend the better part of the year.

He decided to stay at the family home with his sister Ceren, at least till things settled down at the office. And there was no denying that he did enjoy spending time with his sister. They were especially close, since his parents were often away during their childhood.

It meant that he was often forced to be the responsible adult in the house, both to his sister and her three best friends who frequently hung out at the Bolat house. He didn't resent the additional burden and accountability, but it did make him grow up way before his time.

When Serken thought Ceren was finally old enough to take care of herself, he left for London to pursue his education, and right after that, started working for his mentor.

Istanbul had never been his final destination, and yet here he was, doing the very thing he promised himself he would never do - run his parent's company. But he was practical to a fault, and that trait had only cemented inside him with age. It made the most sense to put his skills to use with an established clientele and reputation, while still playing by his own rules.

The love he lost in London, may have played a small part in his decision, but he would never admit that to himself. He was going to put all of that behind him and focus every bit of his energy into making the firm even more successful. He didn't have the time or the inclination for the frivolities of love. It was a fallacy, and he wanted nothing more to do it with. Ever.


Eda lived with her aunt Ayfer just outside the upscale neighborhood of Istanbul. She had lost her parents in a car accident. A drunk driver had stolen them from her, and changed the course of her life. She loved her Hala with all her heart though, and together they had made a life for themselves. Her aunt owned a flower shop and was also a successful caterer, servicing families who had a hankering for homemade authentic delicacies. Her best friend Ceren's mom and her small coterie of the rich and famous were also Ayfer's customers and Eda often got a glimpse into their world when she accompanied her aunt to their homes.

But Ceren was nothing like them, maybe because her parents were never home and Serkan was her true guardian. Whenever the four girls wanted to get away from the world they gathered in Ceren's usually adult-free house, and when they wanted to be pampered and fed they assembled at Eda's place. Serkan had always been a presence growing up, along the periphery of her life - strong and silent and intense. She probably interacted with him the most among Ceren's friends, given that they had the same interests in how things worked. He treated her like one of the boys, letting her watch while he set things up or fixed something that was broken. He'd even come by on occasion and fixed something in Ayfer's house when Eda couldn't figure it out on her own.

But Serkan had moved the London, and the girls were busy growing up and finding new interests - like boys and romance. Eda realized that she was a hardcore romantic. She wanted it all - that flutter in her heart at the thought of someone, that need to call that person first to share important news, that special kind of joy in seeing them happy, the sense of knowing that nothing else matter as long as you were together.

She'd read about it in books and watched it on TV, but she'd never really experienced it in real life. She just knew that she believed whole heartedly in the idea of love, and she was willing to go the extra mile to make it happen. In fact, she had a feeling that her current crush might just be the one...

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