5. Drunk Eda Loading...

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Serkan led a shaken Eda out of the cafe. She looked pale and ready to pass out, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders protectively. "Hey, hey, you're fine. I've got you. Do you still do that fainting thing you used to do?" He didn't mean to be flippant, but he wanted to be prepared if she passed out on the sidewalk. He remembered her fainting one time when they were younger and it had freaked him out.

She gave him a wobbly smile. "Sometimes, when I'm extra stressed." Then she turned back at the cafe and her eyes blazed, "But I'm more angry than stressed right now. How dare he!"

She took a purposeful step forward, and when she stumbled a little she grabbed Serkan's hand, linking her fingers through his. "Come on, I need a drink!"

"I could use one too," he confessed, allowing her to lead him.

They found a bar a few blocks down, sat down and ordered drinks. "I'm going to get drunk," Eda declared.

Serkan opened his mouth to protest, and she raised a finger to silence him, "Uh uh, I'm allowed!"

He nodded in concession. She really was. What an absolutely shady fucker Kaan had turned out to be. His instincts had been right.

Their drinks arrived, and Eda downed hers in one shot. Serkan's eyes widened - she hadn't been kidding. Given that he had to drive them back, he nursed his drink slowly.

"I'm sorry about Kaan," he said finally, feeling guilty for playing a part.

She waved him into silence. "It's not on you. Apparently I'm a terrible judge of character." She slumped down in her chair dejectedly. "Is it me? Am I the problem?" She waved absent-mindedly for a refill.

"Definitely not you. He's the asshole."

Eda shrugged, not convinced. "But why can't I tell them apart?" She downed another shot.

"Maybe everyone is an asshole." Serkan said under his breath, his mind going back to the text from earlier.

"Asli!" Eda exclaimed, remembering as well. "Tell me everything"

Serkan shook his head, "No its not worth sharing"

Eda put her hand on his wrist. "Look, I'm a little drunk, I probably won't even remember in the morning. Tell me. I think it will make you feel better."

So he did, and she was right, he did feel better.

"What a bitch!" Eda exclaimed, getting worked up just at the thought.

"Ok you win. She's worse than Kaan."

"I didn't realize we were competing," Serkan said, his lips lifting in a small smile.

Eda sighed and turned over her empty glass, before calling for a refill. "I hate this. I hate them. I hate what they've done to us. I refuse to be sad about it." She stood up abruptly and held her hand out to him. "Let's dance it off"

"Ummm, I don't dance, Eda." He didn't rise from his seat.

"Either you dance with me, or I'm going to dance with some stranger - and I'm drunk, so I'm pretty sure that's a bad idea." She laughed at her own joke.

Serkan sighed a rose. She was right, that would be a terrible idea. "Fine. But I have to tell you, I'm not much of a dancer"

Eda pointed to herself, "I, Eda Yildiz, am an excellent dancer. Just follow my lead"

She held her hand out waiting for him to lead her to the dance floor, and he huffed in amusement.

The floor was crowded so they stayed on the periphery, and Eda gyrated to the catchy beat while Serkan did his awkward shuffle as he watched her. She really did come alive on the dance floor - suddenly more siren than fairy, and he saw a couple of male heads turn appreciatively in her direction. He moved into her space in an  effort to warn them off. She backed into him, moving her body against his, and he felt that familiar frisson of electricity course through him.

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