|| Anna knows her father's past ||

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Anna sobbed against a rock wall, tears falling. She sobs before taking a deep breath, trying to control her breathing as she looks around her.

She gasped when she saw a light coming from above, she got up slowly while the tears still fell down her face. Everything around her was filled with snow, which made her block her face with her arms.

[Agnarr]Please..hide..I'll come back when I find my father, okay? (M/N)..-Agnarr's voice was heard, Anna looked at him surprised-

[Anna]: The mother of (Y/N)..-Anna murmured, looking at the memory sadly-

[M/n]Yes, I'll wait for you here, your father needs you..-Answers (M/N) with a weak smile. He saw that the boy nodded, kissing his cheek- Agnarr..

Anna widened her eyes in surprise. She approached the snow figures, and touched her father's cheek. He sighed deeply, before looking at the rock wall.

[Anna]: If (Y/N) and Elson sacrificed themselves to find out the truth of the past. I have to do the right thing..-She told herself firmly, before walking and climbing the rocks, watching carefully so as not to fall-

She took a deep breath as she faced the great gap between her and the exit.

She takes a few steps back before jumping and stumbling when she lands, she closes her eyes tightly and keeps going, heading for the exit with determination.

[Anna]And do the next right thing...

She narrowed her eyes against the sunlight, her hair swaying in the breeze as she looked around. she wipes the tears from her eyes, before looking towards the prey, her eyes narrow with determination as she nods, knowing what she had to do to free the forest.


-Sorry ... it's too short ..

-We are reaching the end of this story ...

-We are reaching the end of this story

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