Chapter 5

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I walked inside my apartment and took my shoes off. I walked in my room and saw Amaya laying on my bed with her phone in her hand.

"I was waiting for yo ass." She said.

"I never said to." I rolled my eyes and walked into my bathroom.

"What took so long?" She asked.

"Well they had me take some more pictures with that boy. I found out his name. It was like Toru Oikawa." I answered, while changing my clothes.

"Oh, that still shouldn't have taken long." She sat up and crossed her arms.

"Nothing else happened... well he did ask for my number." I added

"Did you give it to him?"

"Yeah." I said coming back out.


"Why not?"

"Why tho? What was the reason?"

"Child leave me lone." I said and jumped on my bed with my phone.

"Anyways, did you see the boys?" She asked turning on my tv.

"Yeah, I got Kenma number, but I forgot to get Kuroo's" I said.

"How you forget?" Maya asked.

"Angie called and I had to rush out. Kenma stopped me on my way out." I shrugged and looked at my notifications.

Unknown: hey Y/N it's kenma

Unknown: it's Oikawa save the number

I laughed at how bold he is. I tapped on Kenma's text first and changed the name.


Hey ken

Gamer boi✨:
Hey N/N


Gamer boi✨:
Kuroo wanted to know
if you wanna hang out

Yeah I'll send you
my address later

Gamer boi✨:
K bye



I looked back up to see what movie or show Maya pick, but instead I see her nosy behind looking over my shoulder.

"Look at you getting a date." She said teasing me.

"Bitch shut up." I said rolling my eyes. "Just for that you coming with me."

"What?? No I ain't." She said.

"You probably know how to speak Japanese better than me." I said. "Plus we can wear matching outfits."

"Hmmmm... fine, but they better be fine."

"Gurl your type is ugly, so it wouldn't matter." I laughed.

"Shut up." She said hitting me and turned to Honey: Rise Up and Dance.

I looked back at my phone and decided to text the Oikawa dude back. He was kinda cute, but I could tell he that he was kinda sketchy. He said he only wanted to be friends, but I don't know.


Hey pretty boi

Play boi🥱:
Anyways wyd

Texting u back duh

Play boi🥱:
So mean
Can we meet up tho

So u can play me like checkers
Nah I'm good fam

Play boi🥱:
So we can be friends


Play boi🥱:
I'm serious
U bring a friend and I will

Fine when?

Play boi🥱:
Wednesday afternoon
at the park we had the shoot

Ight see u then play boi

Play boi🥱:
Bye :)


"Not you texting another one."

I looked up and saw Maya staring at my phone... AGAIN.

"At least I got somebody to text, unlike you with that dry phone. Nobody be hittin you up." I said laughing.

"I hate it here." She said fake crying on my shoulder.

I laughed and put my phone. Turning back at her she had a pillow in her lap and was watching the movie.

"Instead of watchin tv, you need to be learning some Japanese." I said throwing a pillow at her.

"Whyyyyyy?" She groaned.

"If you don't, imma be talkin shit about you and you won't understand a thing." I said.

She mumbled something under her breath, got out my bed, and walked out my room. I just laughed and turned on my play station. I stayed up playing until I got hungry for some food.

"I'm hungry asf." I groaned.

It was 8-ish when, I got up and grabbed my phone. I headed out the apartment with my keys in my hand and a red hoodie over me. I had on biker shorts with a black shirt on underneath and my hair in a sloppy bun because I didn't feel like doing it.

I texted Maya telling her I was getting something to eat. She wanted me to bring her something back because I didn't earlier. I rolled my eyes at my phone and put it up.

I was walking down a familiar street with some houses and shops. I took in a deep breath and smelled different foods. I went into a store that sold American type food. I got a burger, chicken, and fries for me and Maya.

My next stop was to get some type of dessert. Since my hoodie was oversized I put the food in the pocket on the front and kept walking. I had to walked through a ally to get to another street.

After I walked through the ally, I started to heard footsteps. At first I just ignored it because like whatever. But then it got to the point I started to get paranoid.

I stopped walking and listened for a second. I didn't hear anything, so I started back walking... and so did the other person.

It was at this point I knew...

someone was following me.

So when I was writing this I was like, "add some spice," and so I did. Comment and vote BYE LOVES✨❤️

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