Chapter 33

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Kuroo POV

I passed out the night gummies to all the boys, making sure they eat it before moving on. This could be my perfect chance. I made sure to give all the boys one.

If these gummies put everyone to sleep, I could easily kill Kenma.I brought some olanzapine just in case and now can be the time to use it. Olanzapine is a drug that make people hallucinate, so when I try to kill Kenma it will go smoothly. The last one is Y/n.

"Y/n, here you go." I said with smile on my face.

"Ion want one. I just wanted the boys to have one, so they could sleep easily. Plus them kind have a weird smell." She said.

My smile broke slightly, but she didn't notice because Kenma called her. I'll just have to find a way to kill Kenma without too much noise.

Your POV

I went into my room with Kenma right behind me. We were getting ready to go to bed. Each gummy should take at least 10-15 minutes to start affecting.

Kuroo gave Kenma his 3 minutes ago and it shouldn't have side effects, so I'm kinda confused on why he's talking to the window. Maybe he actually wore himself out... but that doesn't seem like him.

We got into bed and cuddle. I put my head in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He kiss my forehead and then gave me a squeeze. I smiled and then heard his soft snores.


I opened my eyes due to a squeak noise. I turned to my side and tried to go back to sleep, but then I heard it again. I open my eyes again and look to my side.

I see a tall dark figure standing over Kenma with some object in his hand. I squint my eyes to see better and then realize what's happening.

"Kuroo... what the hell are you doing?" I asked, sitting up to turn on the light. I could now see the object that was in his hand was a pillow.

"Something I should've been did." He answered.

In a spilt second, he gave me a crazy smile and then pushed the pillowing on to Kenma's face. I screamed and then reached for Kenma.

Kuroo slapped me in the face with a bunch of power, making my world spin. I looked around my room for something to hit him with.

I saw a hanger laying on the floor, so I crawled over and grabbed. I ran up to Kuroo and hit him repeatedly on his head, yelling.

After about 10 hits straight I threw the hanger on him and ran back to Kenma. I shook him back and forth, but he barely could open his eyes.

I started to cry a little and then got thrown to the wall by two strong arm. I felt my arm crack, letting my know that it's broken. I yelled out in pain and looked up. Kuroo was standing over me. He had a crazy smirk on his face.

Next thing I knew Kenma was standing up behind Kuroo and then he tackled him with his hands around Kuroo's throat, trying to choke him. "Don't hurt her you damn llama." Kenma lazily said, before Kuroo threw him to the floor.

"I was just going to kill Kenma, but you had to interfere. You know how the saying goes though... if I can't have you... then no one can." Kuroo said before he pulled his arm back and punched me in the face, knocking me unconscious.


I woke up in a dark room with a window next to where I was laying. I looked around and saw some of my friends and my momma. They were all sleeping. Either on the floor or in a chair.

I figured out I was in a hospital because of all the mechanics surrounding me. I looked down to my arm and noticed it was in a cast.

I slowly started to remember what happened and what lead up to this point. Then I started to worry about Kenma.

"Hey... EVERYONE WAKE UP!!" I yelled.

"Y/n... baby you woke. Somebody get a nurse." My momma said and came over to me, while everybody woke up.

"Momma, I need you to answer my question please." I said calmly, looking her in the eye.

She nodded and I took a breath. "What happened to Kenma and Kuroo?" I asked. She hesitated and then asked everybody to leave the room except for Maya.

"Well baby... Kuroo drugged Kenma and then tried to kill him. Apparently you saved him, injuring yourself in the process." She answered.

"Momma that's not answering my question. That's recapping what I already know." I whined.

"Just because you in a hospital bed doesn't mean I won't whoop yo ass." She said back.

"Momma... please just tell me what happened. I love this dude and I want to know what happened to him." I said back with tears in my eyes.

She sighed, "Apparently your screams woke up the rest of the team. The boys told the police that when they went into your room, you were unconscious by the wall and Kuroo was about to throw Kenma off out the window." She told me.

"I was told that Killua had ran up to him and knocked him out with one hit. Turns out his fight classes paid off." Maya slightly chuckled.

"So where are they now..?" I asked.

"Kenma is getting a check up with his doctor. He should be good to go because he had no major injuries. Kuroo on the other hand is getting charged... with attempted murder." Momma said, making eye contact with me.

I looked down and sighed. "I knew something was gonna happen. At least we don't have to worry about him no more." I said to myself.

"Look at the bright side." Amaya said.

I looked at her like she lost her mind. "What's the fucking bright side? I got a broken arm, Kenma almost died, and Kuroo finna get locked up like uncle Tj."

"Y/n, watch your mouth and you know we don't talk about Tj." Momma sighed.

I rolled my eyes and then looked towards the door that opened. It showed a nurse, along with a doctor.

"I'm here for a check up." The nurse said.

"Ok, let's get started." I said.

Well... there it was. That one yandere scene that we all were waiting for. I feel like this isn't as good as it could be. Comment and vote BYE LOVES❤️✨

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