Aubrey and I both looked at each other, after laying everything out in the open this past weekend I wasn't quite sure how to answer that question and I think Aubrey could tell. He turned to Judge Barker speaking up for me. "I'll take the blame for that. I wasn't always honest and kept a lot of things from her which built some trust issues." I couldn't take my eyes off of Aubrey as he spoke. I admitted my regret in the part I played in our breakup, but hearing him take responsibility lifted a weight off of my chest that I didn't even know was there.   

The judge took his glasses off and ran his hand down his tired face. I could tell he was at a loss with our situation by the way he leaned back in his chair surveying us closely. His sat there with one hand on his grey goatee and the other tapping away on the arm of the chair. All you could hear was the constant pitter pat against the rough leather when suddenly his fingers stopped moving. That concealed deadpan expression changed into one more curious as his eyes brightened as if he had a stroke of genius.

"Okay, this is me speaking out loud, but I think it's something still there between you two. Take it from a man who's been married for 30 years, there are going to be obstacles along the way, but it's up to you to face them and get through them, especially since there's a child involved." He got up from his chair to walk around to the front of his desk where he leaned against it. "So, with that being said, I may be willing to bend a little. I'll see to it that you're granted private divorce that won't be public record... on one conditions of course." He said with a mischievous smirk on his face. Once again I looked at Aubrey and he looked at me, both with curiosity written on our faces. This was the first time I'd seen the judge show any trace of amusement since we stepped into his chambers and I'm not too sure if that's a good thing.


Tiana wasn't talking to Chubbs, Aubrey wasn't speaking to me; it was just a chilling uncomfortable feeling floating around in the air. Aubrey's lip was poked out from the moment we left the courthouse, which I'm not completely sure why. The judge agreed to grant us a private divorce on the condition that we put forth a true effort to make our marriage work. It's something like a trial period. If after two months and we still want out he'll grant us that option. Although I'm not too thrilled about the idea of being a divorcee before I'm even thirty, the idea of a spur of the moment wedding that I don't even remember isn't pleasing either. Now that's a story to tell my grandchildren.

Everyone was trying their hardest to act like the other person is invisible when we're all sitting just a few feet from each other. I sat on the sofa across from Aubrey's chair silently observing him through my sunglasses. I knew he could feel my eyes on him, but he wouldn't look up from his phone to acknowledge me. I've been getting a cold vibe from him ever since this afternoon, so I got up from my seat and went to sit beside him causing all of our friends to look in my direction.

"What's wrong? You haven't said a word to me since we left the courthouse." I whispered to him so that our conversation wouldn't reach our friends ears.
Aubrey's fingers suddenly stopped scrolling through his phone. He looked me dead in the eyes with an "are you serious" expression etched on his face, and shook his head; turning back to his phone.

"Nothing's wrong Raven. We're gonna head back to LA and do what we have to do to get this divorce." He responded in somewhat of a snappy tone that left me a bit lost.

"If nothing's wrong then why do you sound like you have an attitude with me right now?" I questioned once more.

Without speaking a word, he got up and walked over to the bathroom, flinging the door open only to slam it behind him. 40 raised his glass to his lips giving me this look like he knew exactly what was going on with his friend. Ignoring that knowing expression that Noah seemed to always have, I got up from my seat and followed Aubrey to the bathroom.

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