Chapter 9

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Toris POV

My whole world just crumbled Trinas in a coma my body's probably broken my mom got away and promised she'd be back she's probably long gone at least I had Jade without her I would probably be dead I just sat in her arms and kept crying I couldn't stop even if I tried I fell asleep in her arms but she woke me up not long after "Tori" I heard a soft voice "Tori you gotta wake up the doctors here" uhhhhh no I don't wanna hear this I opened my eyes but kept my grip on Jade "hello you must be Tori" I just nodded " the doctor sent me in to check you out what happened" I didn't wanna say the story again so I just looked  at Jade and hoped she would get the hint and tell her "she was in a situation and got hurt pretty bad but didn't see anyone about it" this girl is my savoir I don't know how I got so lucky the doctor came over so I knew I had to get off of Jade I got off of her and sat there quietly I didn't wanna talk or say anything I just wanted every problem to disappear "so what hurts" I started at her trying to figure out what to say but all that came out was "everything" Jade was the one person who could read me "um her right knee it may have been dislocated a couple days ago and she popped it back into place herself" I got a death glare from Jade on that one the doctor looked surprised "um you probably should have came here to fix it did you at least stay off of it" I just looked on the ground I wish I did "no she started walking on it about 10 20 minutes after it happened and there was another glare from Jade whatever I know she loves me well I hope so anyway "well that wasn't a good idea I'm sure your parents would agree with me" I started to feel my eyes tear up that was a touchy subject Jade held my hand and pretended like to doctor wasn't even there "hey Tori it's ok she's gone she can't hurt you anymore this doctor is gonna fix you Trinas gonna wake up and you to are gonna live with me and everything gonna be ok" I kinda forgot the doctor was there to " but she said she's gonna come back what if she hurts you too I couldn't live without you" I was now crying again for the millionth time and Jade hugged me and told me things were gonna get better once I was done crying the doctor felt pretty bad "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to trigger anything I'll take a look at your knee" I just gave her a genuine smile "it's ok you didn't know" she put her hand on my Knee cap and put a little pressure and before she even got to ask I yelped and grabbed Jades hand "ow" she got up and had a worried look on her face "so it's pretty bad I don't know how you've been walking on it you didn't pop it back in right plus you walking on it making it worse your gonna need a brace for about a year my jaw dropped "A YEAR" a fucking year I can't believe her " it may have been a couple months if you would have came in" once she said that she had felt really guilty letting that slip Jade gave her a glare "sorry" she came over "anything else I should look at?" I honestly wasn't sure I was still in shock I couldn't really feel much of anything I looked at Jade not wanted to talk to the doctor "the only thing I could think of was Monday when I hit the wall I think I heard a snap but I was kinda hurting everywhere I had no idea what could have snapped..." if the doctor didn't know what situation meant she did now "maybe we should get an X-ray just to be safe" we agreed we went to the room and went to a different room with a different doctor "hi I'm doctor robins and we're gonna have to admit you your X-rays didn't look so good and your situation is serious and we would need to get an MRI and other test needed" I was terrified admitted here alone what if she comes back would I be able to see Trina everything was spinning and I couldn't breath I was having a panic attack Jade came rushing over to me and so did dr robins I could barely hear them " Tori breath we can figure this out together" I couldn't even hear the doctor but the next second I felt Jades lips hit mine and everything stopped I could breath and when I opened my eyes things had stopped spinning I held on to her and looked into her eyes and she just hugged me "god Tori don't scare me like that I sat back in the bed and tried to stay focused "how did you know that would work?" Jade looked just as confused as I was " I don't know dr robins said it would work" we both looked at the doctor and she let out a chuckle " I could tell you two were more then friends by the way you look at each other cause that's how I look at my wife and it's been proven that if someone is experiencing a panic attack a way to stop it is by someone kissing you that you trust completely to calm you down" we both were impressed when was that a thing "so now that your calm we're gonna do a MRI and a couple test it won't hurt one bit but first we're gonna put a brace on that knee" she walked out wow she was nice it was a long night of test I had an MRI and it came back shitty half my fucking body was broken so I had to stay in here for a week I checked my phone and looked at Jade "Jade while we were going through all of this I kinda forgot about all of our friends we haven't been at school for a couple days and haven't exactly had communication with them" her eyes went wide but then she started laughing "god they must think we're dead" she laugh made me laugh too then we gave them a call and explained somewhat of the situation they showed up at the hospital in half an hour we finished the story and they were all shocked but Jade answered all there questions then they left and we went to sleep.

Hey guys I have so many plans for this book and I'm excited to keep writing it I'm doing a chapter a day sometimes 2

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