Chapter 2

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Toris POV

She garbed me and dragged me to the basement so Trina wouldn't hear she made me that promise is that Trina wouldn't be involved as long as I did what I was told "tori looking ugly as always" I just sat there and waited for it to start she tripped me and kicked me threw a couple plates at me one shattered on me and there were some pieces of glass stuck in my leg and shoulder fuck that hurt but I didn't show any emotions I tried to pull out the glass but that was a mistake " WHAT THE FUCK TORI ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS KEEP IT IN AND IT WOULD HAVE HURT LESS BUT YOU JUST MADE LIFE HARDER" she came over and broke a plate and stabbed 6 more pieces into my legs and ankles I didn't notice the tear escape my eye but she did and smiled she grabbed my hair pulled me up and threw me at the wall as hard as possible I swear I heard something snap but everything hurt it was hard to tell what bone she could have broken she came and kicked me over and over again till I had blood coming from my nose and mouth these were gonna be harder to cover up then normal she seemed satisfied and left me there to go up to my room by myself a couple hours later I had the strength to make it up the stairs I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up it was 4 in the morning and I knew sleep wasn't happening tonight but I tried by the time I was in a deep sleep my alarm went off I went to get up then all the pain hit me but worse I winced in pain fuck today was gonna be hard my head hurt really bad mom wasn't here thank god I went in the car Trina put music on but I shut it off " WHAT THE HELL TORI" ow fuck my head why does she always have to scream "I have a headache Trina please just don't" she listened for once in her life and just drove to school in silence we got to school and I got out and tried to smile today was gonna be rough no one was at my locker that was a relief I shut my locker to go to class and there she was the raven haired beauty "Vega! Are we doing the stupid project tonight" ugh my head was killing me everything was "um let me just check with Trina and-" she cut me off "why would you need to check with Trina" fuck I didn't mean to let that slip "I don't I meant my mom let me check with her if she says yes can we do it at your house" she didn't really know what I meant but didn't ask " yeah whatever if your coming meet me at my car after school don't be late or I'm leaving without you" she just walked away I texted Trina that she should to to Andres and practice then pick me up to go home she agreed ok perfect besides my whole body being in pain the day was ok first classes where good lunch was good until she texted me

Mom: I need you to do something

Tori: what.

Mom: don't talk to me like that I put a switch blade in your bag I want you to go to the bathroom and cut 3 lines on each arm and send me a picture for proof.

Tori: and if I don't

Mom: I say no to Trina and she gets it.

Tori: ok ok ok fine I'll do it

Mom: good girl I won't lay a finger on Trina tonight

Then I was scared she never went that far Jade must have noticed the fear in my eyes cause she looked at me and she was really concerned I don't see that often guess I was a little more noticeable then I thought" Tori are you ok" I wasn't but I couldn't tell her that " yeah I'm fine I need to go to the bathroom be right back" I smiled and walked away I was so terrified I've never even thought of hurting myself before I was to afraid to get addicted but it was for Trina if only she knew I was saving her ass everyday. I got to the bathroom and went in a stall in case anyone came in checked my bag and to no surprise there was a switch blade in there i wonder when she put it there or when she went in my bag oh well I have to get this over with I took to blade and held it to my wrist for a couple seconds but I heard the bell ring so I had to hurry up I kept repeating to myself this was for Trina then I did it I took the blade and slowly started to cut it was so deep I almost saw bone I had to hurry up cause there was blood all over the bathroom floor so I ran and got paper towels and cleaned up my mess was so painful and I never wanna do it again they were pretty deep cuts knowing  my mother wouldn't be satisfied if they weren't deep enough so I made sure I wouldn't have to do it again

Tori: attachment image

Mom: perfect now let it bleed for a minute or 2

Tori: why

Mom: so you feel pain longer and you get a little dizzy😉

Well of course she said that whatever I sat there for a minute pulled down my sleeve and left to go to class I had no idea how much class I missed apparently I was in there for half the class oh well mom can deal with that one I sat down and Jade was confused of why I was late I was little miss perfect in her eyes but she didn't even know the half of it I got really dizzy and it was hard to tell why the lack of food the beating from last night the loss of blood or maybe one of the times I hit my head last night that's pretty fucked up there should not be that many reasons to feel dizzy class ended and I spaced out again "VEGA" then I was back " huh what" Jade was starring at me and it creeped me out "let's go Vega" oh right the project I gotta stop forgetting that "right let's go then" we went to her car and started driving it was quiet but not awkward it was comfortable well it was for me cause I always felt safe with her even tho people would call me crazy for thinking that "your not scared Vega?" That took me off guard why would she ask me that "no" she looked confused but also a little happy about it but soon hid it when I noticed "why not" there it was the famous Jade west smirk "cause I know you won't hurt me" I was honest well I still wasn't sure but if she wanted to she would have hurt me a long time ago "bold of you to assume that" then we got to her house so we dropped that conversation she grabbed my wrist and it hurt really bad I winced a little but not enough for her to notice we went upstairs and I just kept feeling worse but I had to hide it her house was really nice but I didn't get much time to see cause I got dragged up to her room why does she always grab the wrists fuck her room was black and some scissors and posters the room was nice it seemed perfect for Jade I took a step and everything went black for a couple seconds but Jade caught me before I hit the ground "Tori! Are you ok" well that's never happened before " yeah I just I don't exactly know what that was I've been feeling like shit all day" she led me to her bed and sat down with me "is that why you were off today" I didn't know she noticed "was it that obvious..." she gave me a genuine smile and it was adorable I always loved her smile "no but I learnt how to read you" she then winked at me and I blushed "you should rest then we can work on the project tomorrow don't worry about it" well I did worry what if she would beat me tomorrow I didn't know what could happen so that wasn't really an option "no Jade I came to do the project not sleep" but she was stubborn as always "fine I'll make you a deal we start the project then you sleep" it was to hard to say no to her she had these mesmerizing green ish blue eyes that were so hard to look away from "fine." We started but didn't get very far cause I started yawning and Jade made me stop she went to walk away then I opened my mouth and felt so stupid "Jade could you uh stay with me..." she actually stopped to think then walked over and tried to hide her blush I can't believe it I fell asleep quickly forgetting all my problems.

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