Chapter 14

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8 years later

Toris POV

It's been 8 years since my mother was killed I didn't get in trouble for obvious reasons it was self defence and she couldn't really defend herself I may have regretted killing her at first because well she gave birth to me she was a good mom for a couple years of my life but no mother should try and kill there kid and there family. The girls have grown up so much and I love them with all my heart Sky turned 16 and Amy was 14 Sky came out as bi of course me and Jade were happy for her Amy didn't say anything yet but we have a feeling she is gay and head over heels for Sofia she's Callie and Arizona's daughter we kept in touch with them it's funny how we became friends with surgeons because we were in the hospital twice it was nice tho Amy and Sofia got close and Sky loves talking to Arizona she's like an aunt to them I was a little jealous that Sky told Callie and Arizona that she was bi first but at least she told someone. As much as I never wanted the girls know about my mother I'm glad they do it's a good life lesson to know how lucky they are to have such great parents if I do say so myself . I was drinking coffee when Jade came in from work extremely happy for some reason don't get me wrong Jade was happy and actually showing emotion when we got together in high school but she was never this happy well except when we found out we were pregnant and the day of the girls birth and our wedding ok whatever she's not this happy often "hey hun what's got you so happy" she came skipping yes Jade West skipping "ok that's a scary sight we've been married for years I also known you for a long ass time before we got married and I've never seen you do that" she just laughed and sat down "I know but you won't believe it I was talking to my co-workers and they said they knew the producer of the scissoring so I got to meet him and it was a dream come true" she was smiling so much it was adorable her smile was one of my favourite things about her "that's amazing baby I'm so glad you got to meet him" she starts jumping up and down "but it gets better I got to talk to him and I told him how much I loved to movie and some things I wish could have happened and how amazing a sequel would be and he agreed and asked me to HELP HIM PRODUCE IT" my jaw dropped "holy shit that's so amazing" next thing I knew I was jumping up and down with Jade we didn't even notice Amy come down "um moms you guys ok" we just started laughing about how stupid we looked Jade looked at her daughter her face went from smiley to serious "we don't speak of this got it" me and Amy started laughing at her she eventually laughed with us and Amy sat down and she was nervous ever since the incident with my mom 8 years ago she's gotten really bad anxiety so it was always obvious cause her leg would always be bouncing when she got freaked out "Um can I talk to you guys about something" we nodded and sat down on the couch "you ok sweetheart I can tell your anxious" Jade told her softly looking at her leg she took a breath "well yeah I just have to tell you something and well I don't even know why I'm nervous but I am" Jade giggled slightly whispered in my ear "she must have got the rambling from you" I put my hand on my chest and dramatically gasp "how could you be so rude" she looked at me and whispered "I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you later" she then winked and gave me her famous smirk Amy was still rambling at this point "Amy I love you but I'm sure it's not bad did you kill someone" Amy looked shocked "MOM of course not why would you assume that" I just smiled "then it's not bad even then I wouldn't be mad" she looked surprised "you should probably be mad if your kid killed someone" me and Jade looked at each other and shrugged "as long as it was self defence" Jade cut me off  "we would probably end up helping you cover it up" I just looked at my wife laughing at her own comment "anyway what do you wanna tell us" Amy started again but got to the point a lot quicker "I'm gay and I really really like Sofia" we started giggling a little and Amy looked annoyed "what's so funny" I smiled at my beautiful daughter "reason one I'm not sure what you were expecting it's not like I'm married to a woman or anything" Amy rolled her eyes "plus me Jade and Arizona and Callie were kinda betting on you being gay since you were 10" at this point Jade broke down in laughter and Amy stood up "you were betting on me" I laughed "yeah we won 30$ I can split it and give you 10" she sat back down "I want 15" with a smirk that looked a lot like Jades I looked at Jade who had stopped laughing "she gets this from you" Jade just smiled "10" she puts her finger on her chin "if I heard this correctly I am kinda the one who won you and mom the money so technically I saved you 30 bucks I would say 20 would be fair but I'll be nice and take 15" she still kept that smirk on her face knowing she was right I my jaw dropped and Jade was straight up impressed "alright well played kid you get 20 for that cause you made your moms Jaw drop" Jade let out a small giggle and closed my jaw "your gonna catch flys love how's it feel to be out smarted by a 14 year old" Amy smiled in victory and went up to her room "Jade your so dead" she smiled "am I tho" I started to run at her but she picked me up and kissed me "I'm stronger don't even try missy" we laughed Jade put me down "GIRLS WERE GOING TO AUNT ARIZONAS AND CALLIES GET READY" we heard to the girls say yes we got ready and went in the car.

Jades POV

We were on our way to Callie and Arizona's I hated people except Vega of course but I always had a soft spot for Arizona her wife and daughter we got out of the car and we're greeted by Callie I was closer with Callie but I still liked Arizona "hey guys come on in" before Amy got to ask Callie beat her to it "Sofia's up in her room" Amy went upstairs and me Tori and Sky went in the backyard I told them how Tori lost 20 bucks to her 14 year old daughter everyone laughed and Tori was so defensive it was funny "well Jade didn't even help me and I" I just looked at her "Babe your cornered just give up" she laughed with us we drank except me it was my turn to drive we had supper with them and played a couple bored games we had a great time we went home and 10 ready for bed my life was definitely complicated as a teenager and well Toris situation if anyone told me when I meet Tori Vega I would marry her I would have laughed or killed them but now my life is amazing I have a beautiful wife and 2 wonderful kids my life couldn't be better I mean yeah we had a couple of problems at first but now the problem is dead I would never change anything that happened if I could I was cuddled up to Tori she fell asleep quickly then drifted off to sleep myself.

The end

This is the end of the story I had so much fun writing this I hope y'all liked it it's my first story and I have a lot to improve but I'm gonna start writing more my next book will either be another Jori story or a swanqueen story (Emma and Regina from once upon a time) if you guys have any other suggestions let me know if I don't know the ship I probably won't do it but I also may do research and do them hope you have a great night or day where ever y'all are❤️❤️

the truth about toriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora