Chapter 5

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"I knew you were different too," I said as we kissed. It all made sense. Why I cared so much. Why I felt guilty. Why I was protective of her. I like her. She was gorgeous. A bit shorter than me, really skinny, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her smile is perfect. After we kissed, I kept driving towards Toppers house and she smiled. As we got close she put her hand and mine and stopped me. "What?" I asked. "I have to walk the rest of the way, unless you want Topper or Rafe about this" she said looking down. I wanted people to know. To know that I liked her, I wanted to show her off. But I couldn't. Not yet at least. "Yeah, I guess" I mumbled as she stepped out. She stood in the doorway and leaned in. "Thank you for everything Reed," she said softly. "No problem" I said. She shut the door and began walking. Something in me changed and I couldn't just go. I drove up next to her and rolled down the window. "Beth" I yelled. "Yeah" she said leaning against the window. "Do you want to go out with me tonight? After you finish work. I can pick you up anywhere." I asked. She blushed. "Yeah. That sounds good." she said biting her lip. "Ok, why don't I pick you up right here after work?" I said. "Ok, see you then" she smiled and waved and I drove off. A date with a pogue. No screw that. A date with Beth.


Today has been absolutely insane. I was just on time to work. I got there at 12:05. I checked in with Mrs. Thornton and immediately got started. It was slightly awkward when she saw the cuts and bruises but she didn't say anything. We sort of have this unspoken rule. She doesn't ask and I don't tell. My body still really hurt from this morning so I stuck with the easier tasks. I mostly enjoy working there because it's quiet, and quite often empty. Mr and Mrs Thornton are always away doing important city business and Topper is an only child. He is usually playing golf, getting drunk, or something. I was doing the dishes when I heard voices. I froze because Mr and Mrs Thornton were gone. I tried to just focus on the dishes until I heard them come into the room. It was Reed, Rafe and Topper. "Look, it's the hot pogue" Rafe said laughing."What happened to you?" Topper asked, walking towards me. I put the last dish away and began to leave. "I asked a question," he said standing in front of me. "My dad just got a little rough, it was nothing" I said softly staring at the floor. "Rough...I knew she liked it rough." Rafe said standing behind me. "Guys just leave her alone. She never does anything to you" Reed said. They both looked at him with confusion. "What is your deal with her?" Rafe asked. "Nothing I just-" he stopped. "Nothing?" Topper tested him. "Then go. You're being a buzzkill" Rafe said pushing him back. When we made eye contact, I could tell he didn't know what to do. Helping me would only make things worse. While they stared him down, I shook my head signaling him to go. I could tell it killed him but he went. "Whatever" he scoffed and walked out. Topper and Rafe turned back. "Who is going to save you now?" Topper mocked. Rafe's hands grabbed my arms pulling them back. I whimpered at the pain in my stomach moving to try and get it to stop. Topper grabbed my chin and looked at me. "Oh is it your ribs?" he questioned. I gave a small nod. Then he took my shirt and ripped it down the middle. My stomach and bra were exposed. "Oh shit" Topper said poking at the dark purple and green bruises. "Damn, you're pretty hot for a pogue" Rafe whispered in my ear. I felt Toppers hand travel from the top of my collarbone to right above the waistband of my shorts. "Nothing we haven't seen" he whispered as his fingers slipped underneath the waistband. "Please stop," I screamed fighting and squirming under his touch. "Shut up slut" Rafe yelled as his hand slapped over my mouth. His finger traveled to my underwear while Rafe groped my chest. As it went on, they became more aggressive. Rafe pressed his groin into my back and Topper unhooked my bra. Topper began to kiss me down my body and I knew where this was going. I closed my eyes and waited. All of the sudden, their touches went away. "Get the hell off of her," Reed yelled. He threw Topper to the side and pushed Rafe back. "Come on Beth" he said, wrapping his arm around me to cover my body. "I can't, I'll get fired." I said stopping. "Beth, You'll get a new job, now let's go!" he said and we ran to his car. We got in a drove off. I was still shaking covering my breasts with my bra and hands. Reed looked over at me and saw the torn shirt, the hickeys, and the tears. He pulled into the parking lot for the beach. "What are you doing?" I choked out. He reached into the backseat and pulled out a hoodie. I slipped it on and it smelled like orange surf wax and vanilla. We watched the sunset go down as he held me until I stopped shaking. "You're ok now. You're safe. It's over. I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you." he said just as I fell asleep.

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