The attack (12x09)

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This obviously takes place when Meredith gets attacked by a patient, except Derek is still alive

Meredith POV

I feel his hands around my neck. I can't breath. I need to fight but I can't, I don't have the energy. I'm trying to push him away but he's too strong. He pushes me to the ground and I just lay there. I can't get up. Please help me. Anyone, please help me.

Penny POV

I turn the corner and there I see her. Laying on the floor, the back of her head facing me. I run to the room to see if she's okay. Her face is bruised all over and she isn't responsive.

"Meredith! Meredith, can you hear me?" I yell. I get no response. My heart is beating out of my chest, I don't know what to do.

"I need some help in here now!" Before I know it, loads of doctors are running over. We try talking to her, but she isn't responding. We have to get her into surgery.

Richard POV

She has to be okay. This is Ellis Grey's daughter, she has to be okay.

"Jackson go tell Derek about what happened. He's in or 2 working on a brain tumor!" I yell. Jackson runs out of the room to tell Derek. I return my attention back to Meredith, she still isn't responding.

"Torres go book OR 1, she needs surgery on her jaw!"

Derek POV

I get out of a 9 hour long successful surgery on a brain tumor. I'm washing my hands when I see dr Avery burst through the door.

"Dr. Shepherd, Meredith was attacked by a patient. She broke her jaw and has other minor injuries. We are getting her into surgery now, and I promise we will update you every hour"

"Oh god" I say, and run down the hall to Meredith. I finally get there and I see her about to go into OR 1

"Meredith, honey listen to me. It's going to be okay, I promise don't worry" I say, reassuring her, but mainly myself.

"She can't hear anything, she isn't responding to anything we are saying to her" Maggie says

Before I can respond I see them bringing her into the OR.

After surgery...

Meredith POV

I can see loads of doctors around me, but I don't know what they are saying. I can't hear anything. Dr Torres is talking to me. I can kind of make out what she's saying by reading her lips. She's saying I'm doing great but considering the fact that I can't hear anything, I don't think that's true.

Hours later...

I'm feeling slightly better. I can hear now which is a huge relief. But I can't help but wonder why bad things keep happening to me. Lexie, mark, George, my mother, and so many others are all dead. I was in a plane crash, witnessed a shooting, drowned, and survived a bombing.

A tear rolls down my check thinking about everything. But soon, a single tear turns into a silent sob and I can't help but feel alone.

Derek POV

"You can go see her now Derek" Richard says and I run down the haul from the waiting area to her hospital room.

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