A life changing choice (2x27)

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This would be if Meredith choose Derek at the end of the prom night episode

Meredith POV:

I can't decide. There are two amazing, perfect men I get to choose from and still, I'm stuck. Finn is the good guy. He's the safest option out of the two. The smartest idea is choosing him considering he isn't married, unlike Derek.

But Derek is, well Derek. I have never felt that way about anyone, ever in my whole life. He makes my heart stop (just like Denny lol, also rip ig). But he's married, and if I left with him, it would be way more complicated.

"Meredith?" Derek says, looking straight at me.

"Meredith?" Finn asks, most likely confused on why Derek was even asking.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Addison looking over at us, listening to our conversation.

Addison POV:

I'm talking to Bailey and Webber about what happened with Denny, when I overhear Derek saying Meredith's name. I turn around and I see Derek, Finn, and Meredith all together.

"Finn I, I'm so sorry. I have to choose Derek" I hear Meredith say.

Then it hit me. Derek left the dance floor at the same time I saw Meredith running out.

Part of me is relived that me and Derek are over because now I no longer have to worry about being in a relationship second guessing if the other person loves me. But the other part of me is devastated. An 11 year marriage has to mean something.

Meredith POV:

After being clueless for several moments, I finally decided.

"Finn, I-" I continue, "I'm so sorry. I have to choose Derek" I say, tears appearing at the surface of my eyes.

I see Addison, walking over to us, my heart starts pounding out of my chest.

"Addison, I'm really, really sorry about this" Derek says.

"I understand, really, I do" she says. I'm surprised how understand she is about all of this. She gives us a slight smile, and walks down the stairs, out of the hospital.

"Again, I'm really sorry Finn" I say, sympathetically.

"It's alright Meredith, I understand. Goodbye" he says shyly.

And within several moments, Derek and I are the only ones left.

Derek POV:

"How about I get you home, it's getting late" I say to Meredith, who I can see is clearly exhausted.

"Sure, I just have to go get my things from my locker" she says and runs down the hall to the Intern locker room.

After 5, minutes, we meet at the entrance doors at the hospital.

"Ready?" I ask, with a smile.

"Yes, lets get out of here" she says, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. God I missed that feeling.

Meredith POV:

The ride back to my house was quiet. It wasn't uncomfortable, but no one was talking.

"Derek if you want, you can spend the night here. It's really late and I'm sure you don't feel like doing more driving" I say, on my front porch

"I would, but I don't have any clothes" He replies

"I still have a pair of your pajama pants and one of your t-shirts that you left here, you can just use those if you would like" I say

"You still have my pajamas here?" He asks, smiling.

"Yeah I completely forgot to return them to you" I say. That was a complete lie. I kept them because I wanted at least one thing that reminded me of the good moments we had before Addison came to Seattle.

We make our way upstairs and into my bedroom. I give him his pajamas, and I put on a t-shirt and a clean pair of panties. I go into the bathroom, take off my makeup and brush my teeth. I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"Hi" I say in a quiet voice

"Hey beautiful" He says, kissing me neck and cheek. After were done in the bathroom, we go back into my bedroom and climb into bed.

Derek POV:

We get into the bed and I turn off the lamp that sits beside me on the night stand. Meredith and I make eye contact for several moments before our faces grow closer and closer to each others.

Finally, our lips connect softly and I inch her closer to me. We kiss for a few more moments before she pulls away. She gives me the most beautiful smile before laying her head on my shoulder.

I move us slowly to the pillows so that we are laying down before guiding her head to my chest. She nuzzles her head deep into my chest while snaking her arm around my waist.

"Goodnight Meredith, I love you" I say, kissing the top of her head and becoming intoxicated with her lavender scented hair.

"Goodnight, I love you too" she says, before we drift of into a deep sleep, content in each others arms.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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