The Enema

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The doctor slowly inserts the nozzle. Luke continues to whisper sweet nothings to Joel.

"Now, just try to relax." The doctor says. Joel tries his best, but he still felt kind of nervous. His body begins to tremble.

"We are going to have to give him a muscle relaxant." The doctor says, facing Luke.

"Okay?" Luke says, confused.

Luke observes what the doctor is doing. 'The muscle relaxant is in the form of a shot?! Great. Just great.' He thought as he turns his head away quickly.

Joel feels the slight pinch of the needle and instantly relaxes.

Suddenly, a clamp opens and water rushes inside him! "Oooooh, God!"

"Okay, Joel. In the enema bag, there is 500ml of water mixed with saline solution. I want you to at least TRY to take in the whole bag. If you start to feel cramps, I will push down the clamp to stop the mixture from going through. Does that sound clear?"

Joel gives him a thumbs up.

"Okay then."

The doctor watches the solution flow into Joel. Joel whimpers in discomfort as his belly expanded. His belly was suddenly the size of a five to six month pregnant belly!

"I cannot take it! It hurts!"

Luke stares at the doctor in shock. The elder man lowers the enema bag and stops the flow. He slowly removes the nozzle and replaced it with... a plug!

"Whoa! What are you doing?!" Joel exclaims. Suddenly, getting a little more nervous.

"Sorry, Joel. I removed the nozzle; now I am inserting a plug so the solution stays in there for fifteen minutes. That amount of time will allow all of the waste to loosen up." Joel nods in understanding.

"Now, we wait." Luke says.

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