Chapter 3

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Now its the day you guys have to meet the Troupe. "Let's go I guess." you say. You guys head over to the hide out and wait for others. Everyone besides Hisoka and Chrollo appear. Hisoka walks in and says, "Im here!" "Boo." you say out loud. Machi smiles. Chrollo walks in behind Hisoka and says, "Move." Hisoka gets out of his way and walks over to some rock to sit. 

"We have out job today. Theres a game called Greed Island, and I need you all to retrieve something from the game for me. Its a card that will be called the Paladins Necklace. Retrieve that and anything else you'd like, but thats top priority." he says. The members were in shock. "We're going into Greed Island?" Nobunaga says. "Yes." Chrollo says. Machi looks at you, "Whats Greed Island?" You give her an explanation about the game and everything. 

"Ok i'm ready." Machi says and goes up to the game console. Chrollo tells her how to go into the game and she follows his directions. Then she zaps out of our world into Greed Island. "I'll go in next." you and Hisoka say. "Ok." Chrollo says. Both of you enter the game and you see Machi in the distance. You run up to her and walk with her into a city. "We'll get the card first." she says. "As long as Hisoka doesn't, then i'm good." you say. She smirks, "I want that clown to know i'm better than him." 

You guys walk into the city and start asking questions. There was a woman you guys encountered that was also from outside, not an NPC. "Yeah I know about the Paladins necklace, for a price." she says. "What is it?" you ask. "You." she says. You were confused and so was machi. "What?" Machi asks. "Just follow me." she says and you do as she says. Machi tries following but you say, "Its cool." You go away with the lady and leave Machi at the store. 

You go to some cave the lady has made her home and she starts kissing you. "I'll tell you anything you want to know after this." she says. You reply, "All right." You kiss her back. The kissing leads to having sex. After you get her to finish you sit up and ask, "So, about that necklace." The lady tells you everything she knows about it and where and how to get it. "Perfect." you say. 

You get up and before you leave you turn around to the lady. "You know, its not really nice what you made me do." you say. She smiles, "Its been a while, come back if you wanna do it again anytime." She's obviously given up in trying to get out the game. You walked up to her and just as you were about to start kissing her. You take out a knife from your pocket and slash her throat. "Sorry, I guess." you say and walk away. You go back into town and see Machi. 

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