The Morning After

476 15 51

Holiday Shinkami picture for our souls

Shinsou's POV

Ok ok ok, let me explain what happened. After Kaminari dragged me onto the dance floor, which I did not want to be on, by the way, I was forced to keep moving to not fall or punch somebody for having no sense of personal space. After we escaped that whole fiasco I was dusting off my jacket and some jackass ran into me and sent me forward resulting in me kissing this guy I just met. However, what I truly and honestly didn't expect was for him to start kissing me...what in the actual fuck.

For once I didn't know what the right move was. I need his talent in my gang but he's so mediocre. I mean what effect would it have if I did give him what he wants? Would that edge him to join or push him away from the offer? I drunk enough for this? Yeah, I'm drunk enough.

I kissed back after I finished my frantic thinking and now here we are, the next morning, I took him home, I woke up, and he's not in my room. Probably left when he woke up honestly, and I can't blame him for that. Did this fucker bite my neck? I took out my phone and opened the camera. Yep, bitten. "Do you always look at yourself first thing in the morning after sex?"

I nearly threw my phone in shock hearing Kaminari's voice. I look over at him and he's just wearing one of my button-ups. I know it's mine because it's too big on him and he wasn't wearing one yesterday. He also has an awful bedhead. I'm no sleeping beauty but geez. "Why are you wearing my clothes? And is that coffee?" I forgot to mention he was holding a steaming mug.

"...dodging the question. And yeah it's coffee, who I'm assuming is your roommate made it, and I'm wearing your shirt because my clothes are dirty," He leaned against the door frame and took a sip of the coffee. "You gonna get your ass up or not?"

"Well not with you standing there watching me like a perv," He rolled his eyes at me as I set my phone off to the side. 

"Already seen your dick but whatever," After he made that incredibly unnecessary statement, he walked back towards the living room and I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt because I didn't feel like putting on something fancy by any means.

I walk out to see him standing in the kitchen looking at his phone while eating some toast. When I walked in he looked up and smiled at me while setting his phone on the counter. "Glad to see you're up."

I nodded and poured myself a cup of coffee. "How long have you been up anyway?" He just shrugged and looked at his mug traced the rim. Geez, it's a simple question not like I'm asking you your life story or something.

"Only like an hour or so," He looked back up at me with a smile. The amount he smiled was starting to get on my nerves like what the hell do you have going for you to be that happy you lucky bastard. 

I just hummed in response and took my coffee leaning against the counter. I could tell he was searching for something to say but couldn't find it. That, that is what makes silence uncomfortable between people. I personally like silence but not when it's crawling under my skin like this. "So did you make up your mind?"

He seemed to be confused for a minute before remembering my offer. "Oh yeah, I did actually. I decided why not, so yeah I'd be happy to join!" He smiled at me again before drinking more coffee. Well, I guess sleeping with him did help.

"Great. So I can get you our schedule tomorrow if you want and you can start immediately," He nodded eagerly and threw away the paper towel that was holding his toast. He hoisted himself up so he was sitting on the counter and tied a bit of his hair in a pony, which is literally pointless because the main part of his hair is still in his face. Fucking dumb ass.

"Well, this has been an eventful morning, but I think I should be heading home, I already called an Uber so don't worry about me," He smiled at me again before putting the mug in the sink and hopping off the counter and heading back to my room. "I just need to get my shoes on."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He looked back and hummed slightly in response. I sighed to myself, do I really have to point out to him that he's wearing my shirt? "You're wearing my shirt you dumbass," He looked down at the shirt before shrugging and continued walking.

"I'll give it back when I see you next and bless you with my presence," I heard him laugh and the next I saw of him he had his shoes on, grabbed his phone, waved to me, and walked out. Did he seriously just leave without pants? Fucking maniac.

I turned on my TV for background noise as I cleaned the dishes since it was my turn to clean them. After I finished that I did a little cleaning because a good part of my gang would be coming over in a little bit so maybe it was a good thing Kaminari already left. Shortly after I did that I heard a knock on the door. Perfect timing.

I opened the door and was greeted by Tsukuyomi, Tentacole, Invisible Girl, Uravity, Sugar Rush, Phantom Thief, and...I Can't Stop Twinkling. I've said it before and I'll say it again, some people chose the stupidest names. I let them in and we set up at the kitchen table discussing possible next targets for us. We narrowed it down to a few shady businessmen with no moral campus, the usual for us honestly.


No, I'm not dead- I had finals and family bullshit but now I'm on break so I'll try to find time to write

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! If you don't celebrate Christmas would you mind telling me about what you do celebrate in the comments? I was never taught about anything else really and it's always better it affects or who uses it than the internet in my opinion because they would know more you don't have to though-

Ok so...have a good day! I love you guys and let me know what you thought of this chapter!

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