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"Doctor Maximillian Moreau, the Supreme Court of the World Republic has found you guilty of crimes against nature. In the name of humanity we sentence you to life in prison!"

Still, the judge's words rang through the Doctor's head. The World Parliament had made genetic engineering illegal earlier the same year, 2100. Well after Doctor Moreau had done his work. This entire proceeding had been a farce from beginning to end. All the World Government wanted was to clean up the mess the old nation states left it with. Doctor Moreau and his creations had gotten under the wheels of the biggest revolution in human history.

Sitting in a dark interrogation room, he could do nothing but wait. Featureless white walls, a single surveillance camera and a table with two chairs standing opposite to each other. Only a single weak lamp illuminated the room, allowing him to see the closed door.

Doctor Moreau muttered the names of his many creations, his children, to calm himself. Eventually, he arrived at the six whom he had created for a special purpose, "Sheranee, Tapeesa, Valentina, Setanto, Funi, Vini."

The door opened. A man with sunglasses, clad in a black suit entered. He closed the door and went to the surveillance camera. Doctor Moreau had seen many people wearing black suits and sunglasses lately.

But this one surprised him. He turned off the sole surveillance camera with a special key, something no ordinary police officer had. Then the stranger sat down and deactivated the microphone in the same manner. Doctor Moreau raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Doctor Maximillian Moreau, I suppose?"

"In the flesh.This conversation is off record?"

"Yes Doctor. The World government has realized your case warrants a different treatment than other genetic engineers. So they sent me. I am Special Agent Shakid Hatsokovy."

Maximillan nodded. "I guess you'd agree, Doctor," Mister Hatsokovy correctly assumed, "After all, your seven Nobel Prizes speak for themselves."

"I helped bring back mammoths to Siberia and Canada, designed plants to help turn the Sahara and many other deserts green and created a genetically stable Pomato plant. The single most productive food crop to ever exist," Maximillian drove home how much he had done for humanity, "It produces tomatoes above ground and potatoes below. And those are not even my greatest achievements. I could do so much more if the World Government just let me."

"I've been warned of your humility," the man in black answered with an emotionless expression, "But the things you didn't do are far more important now. You never took part in creating biological weapons. Instead you developed cures for the man made plagues. Needless to say, you still have a great many fans, even in the highest ranks of the World Government."

"So what exactly do you mean by different treatment, Mister Hatsokovy?"

"Well, Doctor, there are a few loose ends which need to be tied up. The world government doesn't hold a grudge against you or your creations. In fact, many admire you. Many were against dragging you before the Global Supreme Court..."

"I noticed. Only nine out of seventeen justices voted to convict me."

"Exactly. Believe me Doctor, if this was just about you, you would have been found innocent. But it never was."

Maximillian could already imagine what Mister Hatsokovy meant. Genetic engineering, the greatest invention in human history, got into the wrong hands on more than one occasion. Every single time, great suffering followed.

"See, Doctor, the new World Government needed to ban genetic engineering for good. It has been misused way too much during the third and fourth world wars and we are still far from cleaning up the mess those left us with."

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