Chapter 1

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All the things shown in this book is purely for the purpose of the book, it has nothing to do with any religion or something. My intention is not to hurt any religion here. So please don't take anything seriously it's just a book and take it as that only

Author's pov

A girl is standing in the bathroom of her house with her eyes closed, shivering in fear of her Cruel Uncle and continuously praying to God, to save her from the painful beatings of her uncle.

She has committed a grave sin today because of which her uncle has turned into a devil who is searching for her in the whole house so that he can punish her. The question is what was her sin? Well, that ten years child got hungry and ate before finishing her household work, which was given by her Uncle, who treats her like a maid.

"Please god please help me don't let him punish me tonight." The little girl whispered while hoping that God would save her today. But she knows deep inside that like other times no one would be able to save her

"You little rat where are you huh? Come out this instant other wise if I found you then I will fucking beat you to death."

Her drunk uncle yelled at the poor soul who trembled in fear more than she was already

"Please no! Please don't find me." The little girl chanted in her mind like some mantra

"Please leave her, she has not done anything. I gave her food because she was not feeling well! She hasn't eaten her lunch as well " a woman in her late Twenties said or I say pleaded to her husband. She was her helpless  Aunt, her dead mother's sister.

"Not well on my foot! That little rat, how dare she eat before cleaning everything? That bloody Muslim rat is staying in my house, eating on my money and she won't do anything here? Have I opened an orphanage here that any rat like her can come and stay here for free? That too a Muslim? You know how much I hate them. "The man slurred in his drunk voice.

" Please she is my dead sister's daughter. She is the only thing left whom I can call my family except you. Her religion doesn't matter; she is still half Hindu. "The woman tried to make her husband understand.

" Yeah your bitch of a sister who was supposed to be my wife but eloped with her bloody Muslim lover who worked in a gang or something. She rejected me for a Muslim criminal and your parents give me you a barren bitch who can't give me a kid even after 5 years of marriage. And I'm here raising her sin child. Why should I huh? What will I get raising this rat? I didn't even get the money that her bastard father left or claimed that she would get. She came here empty handed with a few of her clothes and her parents' picture. Why can't her father give her something before dying? He was rich enough right? "That man screamed.

The little girl started to cry silently when she heard her uncle cursing her dead parents.

It's nothing new for her whenever he is drunk he will curse her parents. And sometimes even beat her with a stick.

She is just a 10 year old girl who lost her mother when she was 4 years old and father 3 months ago.

She is a daughter of Hindu mother and Muslim father and that's another reason in the list her maternal uncle hate her.

Suddenly the door of the bathroom burst open and her uncle came in where she was hiding.

"So you are hiding here you Rat! How dare you bitch to eat before finishing your work?" He screamed and held The little girl by her arm in a tight grip which made her cry in pain.

Flames and Roses (available On Good Novel) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz