Chapter 11:mysterious angelic voice

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*In this chapter the whole italic paragraph are his,share and comment*

Mutsa's pov
I walked to the dresser and picked up the pink notebook I had been eyeing for sometime since I started cleaning up after the singer who was using this dressing room,she must have forgotten it I thought.

Opening the beautiful designed notebook,I wasn't surprised that it was a lyrical book.A lot of lyrics where written  some canceled some repeated until it all came together into beautiful song verses.

Turning a few pages I came to one of the songs that I fully knew by heart,Unexpected heart conditions.I admired how the song writer had tempered with a lot of emotions and love letters until she came up with the whole perfect lyrics for the song.

Taking off my overall jacket,then looked in the mirror pretending to be Usher,I started singing the song while holding the notebook,I was in my own world and didn't even notice someone walking in until they cleared their throat.

"Oooh my lord i did not expect to walk in and get a surprise full show,with a very goodlooking half naked man,at least they could have told me so I get prepared",she said in a very angelic voice.

I turned around and looked at the owner of the voice and immediately dropped the hair brush I was using as a microphone.She smiled at me and her smile was so contagious.walking gracefully to where I was in a red dress that hugged her body perfectly the lady stopped in front of me and flipped her hair sideways.

"I'm....I aaah....I'm really sorry ma'am I didn't mean to go through your personal stuff I was"...,she cut me off before I even finished.

"I have never heard a man sing so gracefully,I want you to sing with me though", she said looking at me with so much want in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't"..,before I even finished she closed her eyes and started singing,her voice was so soft yet so melodic,she sang with so much emotion like she always did to this song and I decided to join in and the way her voice and mine coordinated was something out of this world.

When we sang the last line I felt her getting closer and closer to me and just as I opened my eyes she stood by her tiptoes,pulled me down by my neck and kissed me.At first I was shocked but when I realized,she was kissing me,the woman I never thought would ever kiss me in my life was kissing me,so I kissed her back.

The kiss was slow at first but then it became heated and intense,I bit her lower lip gently and when she gasped it was my opportunity to slide my tounge in then our tounges began battling for dominance which I won.

I kissed her for the last time on her lips then moved to her neck,showering her with wet kisses then I bit the spot behind her ear resulting in her responding with a loud moan and I knew I had found her spot.

I lifted her up like she weighed nothing pushed the things that where on her dresser then sat her down.When i looked at her she was breathing heavily eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes and look at me",I whispered in her ear,when she opened her eyes and looked at me,her eyes had changed their color to a shade darker and full of lust.I kept  contact with her then I went for the zipper in front of her dress,slowly I started opening the zipper looking at her when a male voice called her from a distance.

"Mildred where are you,Millz have you found the book?,we need to go the party starts in an hour,Mills,millz"....the voice kept calling from a distance.

"Oooooh shit",I said waking up quickly,my body was sweating and when I looked down I had  morning wood,really what the fuck I thought.Mildred the name quickly came to my mind.

SING FOR MENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ