7. Blueberry

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The Miygai Prefecture Qualifiers start tomorrow. I was dreading going back to Karasuno, but I had to take this picture for work to make the deadline. I'd have to face Kageyama again, after he yelled at me. But I'd get to see Suga too, so I guess that makes up for it. Those two played the same position, but were complete opposites.

There was a storm approaching. 

Great, I don't even have an umbrella. Do they expect me to walk and take public transportation around this entire damn prefecture? Everyone has a car in America, I guess that's one thing I miss. Let's see, I still have to go to Shiratorizawa Academy, Date Tech, Johzenji High, Wakutani Minami High, let's see...

I could hear the squeaking sound of sneakers across outside the gym, muffled with voices.

"Nice kill, Asahi!"

"Nice receive, Daichi!"

I sat under a tree outside the gym, not wanting to interrupt their practice. I thought about what I would say to Tobio.

How could I explain myself to him?



I grabbed the milk carton from the vending machine, and I noticed that she was back. She was sitting under a tree, reading a book. 

What's she doing here? She must be waiting for someone, maybe Suga. Should I approach her? What do I even say?

I found myself walking towards her, and then stopped to actually notice her for the first time. Five years had made a difference. She changed. She was older, of course, more mature. Her eyes were soft, but they meant business. Was she nervous? She was biting on her lips. 

Old habits die hard, I guess.

Wait, she's actually... pretty? No way. She didn't look like this in middle school! Then again, I was so focused on volleyball, I never paid any attention to her.

Crap! She looked at me. Don't turn red! Whatever you do, don't turn red! 

I felt my own body disobey me.

She waved and smiled, a familiar smile. All the anger that I felt towards her the other day, somehow, faded away. I walked over to her, my heart breathing. I took a deep breath. 

Why did you leave without saying anything? Why didn't you keep in touch with me?

"Hey Tobio!" she stood up. "Want to go for a little walk? I owe you an apology..."

"Sure... (Y/N)" I like when she called me by my first name, but I'll never tell her that.

We walked side by side, facing the sunset. She told me about America, about the high school there, how everyone had cars, how everyone put ketchup or mayonnaise on everything. I didn't really care about that stuff. I wanted to hear about her.

"You know, I feel kind of lucky being back. It's like I have a second chance at everything, you know?" she looked at me, as if she was searching for forgiveness.

"Second chance?!" I snapped. I felt my blood boiling uncontrollably. "You think you deserve a second chance?"

"Tobio, wait please hear me out..." she held up her hands, defending herself.

"Do you know what it's been like for me, these past 5 years?! You left me! You left without saying goodbye! You didn't even have the courage, the decency, to tell me that you were leaving! Do you know how I found out? I had to find out through Oikawa, out of all people!" My hands balled into a fist.

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