22. Suga

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"Where are you taking me?" she asked, with a blindfold covering her eyes. 

"It's a surprise," I said as I continued driving.

A few weeks ago, we decided to move in together in an apartment in Sendai, Miyagi. I just started work as a full-time elementary school teacher. She is now an investigative journalist at Miyagi Times, a children's book author, and a mentor towards aspiring writers in high school. 

We pulled up to the front of Karasuno High School, and I quickly changed into a familiar black and orange uniform. I opened her door and lifted her from her seat. She wrapped her arms around me as I gave her a piggy back.

"Put me down!" she laughed. "I'm heavy!"

"You're perfect," I smiled. "On second thought, maybe go easy on the sweets."

"Hey!" she laughed. "Maybe you go easy on the meat buns."

We were always so playful with each other, and it never seemed to grow old. I carried her all the way to the volleyball gymnasium, and gently let her down. 

"You can take off your blindfold now, (Y/N)."

She gasped at the sight. The gym was dark and empty, but there were candles lit around in the shape of a heart. There was a blanket and some pillows in the middle of the candle arrangement. Rose petals were scattered on the wooden floor.  

"Oh my god," she gasped, covering her mouth. 

"(Y/N). My feelings for you started to grow in this gym. I didn't realize it then, but when you talked to me the first day we met, I was already falling for you. 

You are such a beautiful, smart, strong, kind, and generous person. You had your insecurities and challenges as we all do, but you overcame it. When I really got to know you, you had this beautiful energy. I don't think you knew it because you were scared to be seen. Slowly, you opened yourself up to me, to the world. You became so confident of yourself and now you wear your heart on your sleeve. You live unapologetically, and you live life for yourself. Now you are always radiating this beautiful light. 

The last few years, I've learned so much about you. About us, and about myself. I want us to experience all life has to offer. I want us to continue learning from each other. I want us to continue growing with each other. I want us to continue feeding each other spicy mapo tofu. I want us to continue playing at the playgrounds like we're little kids again. I want us to watch sunsets together, and I want us to stay up late looking at the stars. I want us to grow old together, with white hair and wrinkly skin. And even when we're both old, I'll always hold your hand and kiss you.  I want us to be by each other's side forever.

I promise to be the man you deserve. I promise to protect you and to support you. I promise to love you even when your difficult to love. I promise to be by your side, forever and always."

I got down on one knee, opening a box with a ring inside. "Will you marry me?" 

"Yes! Yes! Of course!" she cried.

I stood back up and she immediately threw her arms around me, crying into my shoulders. 

"I love you so much, (Y/N)," I hugged her back. 

"I love you too, Suga."

I slid the ring onto her finger as she wiped the tears from her eyes. I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her lips. She returned my kiss with tears rolling down her face.

We walked together towards the blankets and pillows and laid down next to each other, staring into each others eyes. Her eyes were sparkling and I could feel her heart beating from excitement.

"I can't believe... you did all of this," she stroke the back of my head.

"Well, I had some help from an old Coach," I grinned, rubbing her soft cheeks.

"You're even wearing your old uniform! You always looked so sexy in it," she laughed. "It brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does. Remember the first time we met? When you walked in on me taking off my shirt in the club room?"

"I forgot about that! What if I had walked in on Tanaka? Would I have ended up him instead?!" 

"I'm glad you didn't!" I laughed. "You know, I fell in love with you right then and there. It was a weird feeling, but I kind of just knew."

"Me too," she smiled softly.

"I'm so glad I'll be marrying the girl of my dreams."

"I'm so happy to spend the rest of my life with you, Suga." 

It must have been fate.


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