Chapter 2

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Draco Malfoy was very surprised...I mean...who else ever maked him speechless? No one! And that infuriated him even more, because back then she would never react like this. She was strong, confident, and Draco finally admited it...hardly, but he of course kept it to himself.

When the Hogwarts Express stopped, everyone started picking up their things to be welcomed again to Hogwarts, were no power could take that ever again from the students. The new headministress Mcgonagall, sended a letter to each student to come and fulfill another year, to finish their education into their 8th year. For them rules were different, one student, the best student from the house will be the head girl or boy. Hermione Granger hoped that, that will be her, consideting of her hard work during all 7 years.

She gathered her stuff and got out of the compartiment exited that is finally away, far away from the slytherins, especially from Malfoy.

"Malfoy, mate, you have to admit...Granger stood up today like she never did...she left you speechless for God's sakes!" Blaise said as he started lauthing, and Draco angrilly punched his back.

"Ouch! Was that even-" Draco interrupted him. " Yeah, it was nessesary" he paused a bit and said:" You know what? I will tease her until she's left nothing but shame, embarrassment and most of all...she will be afraid of me." He said with a smirk.

"Is this a bet or something?"

"Yep. And if I am going to prove you that I can do are going to do my homework for a month."

"Fine, and if you don't, which is going to happen, you will do my homework for a year!"


"Calm down mate, just teasing, for a month." Both started to laugh, most Draco, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

Hermione Granger saw her best friends, walking away from the Hogwarts Express, so she started running after them.

"Guys!" She shouted and they stopped.

They walked together, but the three of them were talking about a topic that she never understood: Quidditch.

"Really, I don't know how you can play Quidditch, it's you remmember that one time, when Harry-" she didn't finish as she got cut off by her boyfriend.

"Mione, for you everything is dangerous, if you don't know how to play, then stop talking." Now...she got furious as she never did. How dare him talk like that!? To his own girlfriend!

She knew very well how to fly, since they learned in first year, because it wasn't optional, she did it for a good grade, but she didn't ever like to fly.

She walked quietly behind them, being ignored by her best friends.

'Still...should I call them my best friends?' the brunette though. The continued walking and looking at the beautiful view of the castle.

When they walked in hundreds of memories from the war attacked her being off guard. Everything was renovated, but still the though of the war brought ger shivers all over her body. She saw the place where Fred died, and a tear came out of her eye, going down her cheek.

"Really, Granger?" a voice came from her left side as she hurried to wipe her tear.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" She said glaring at him.

"Were you crying?" He said started laughing.

"N-NO!" She yelled at him.

"Come on, Granger, I saw you!" He said with a smirk that annoyed her even more.

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