Chapter 4

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She muttered the password and entered her dorm, only to find Draco sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace reading a letter. He was laying in the corner wearing black jeans and a black
shirt with three buttons opened. He looked hot.

The brunette looked at him for a second, still crying, vanishing without a word to her dorm, when a hand pulled her back by her wrist. She didn't want to turn, she knew who it was. She didn't want to show her face, now that she was so vulnerable, also she didn't want to show his that she was crying, he would make such a fun out of it.

"Leave alone" the brunette said coldly.

"Are you crying?!" He said with a giggle.

"Turn around" he added.


She wanted to escape from his hand, which was holding her wrist tight. With a strong pull, he turned her, facing him.

For a heart beat he wanted to kill the person who did this to her, but he came into his senses again.

"Oh, Merlin! I didn't know I will live a day seeing Granger crying." He wanted to laugh, but something was holding it back.

'Come on Draco! Show her who is in charge!' But he just couldn't...her tears maked him sad, he just couldn't understand why...'She is a mudblood after all.' His dark side talked.

"You enjoy my misery, don't you?!" She said crying harder.

"SAY IT! YOU FERRET! START LAUGH LIKE ALWAYS! You have no drop of human-being in you!" She said pointing her finger at his chest.

His hand suddenly dropped from her wrist as she started running into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. He stood there, looking like a fool in the place who were the beautiful brunette seconds ago.

'God, she is gorgeous even when she is crying! No no no! Draco! She is awful! SHE IS JUST A MUDBLOOD!' He said into his mind.

Was he a monster? With no feelings? Like Hermione said? He took the letter from the little table in front of the fireplace and turned to his bedroom laying down on his bed. He looked on the ceiling thinking about what just happened. He knew deep down that she was right.

"But why was she crying?" He softly spoked.

Suddenly his hole being wanted to go back and apologize, even if he's never done it before.

"What the fuck!? She is pathetic! Why should I go and apologize?" He snaped and just closed his eyes, guilt eating him inside.

Hermione was devastated.

"STOP CRYING! YOU'RE JUST PATHETIC!" She yelled, but little did she know that a certain blonde heard her.

She throwed a pillow on the floor in anger. She didn't sleep all night.

In the morning she finally woke up. It was 11 o'clock.

"Really Hermione? When did you ever wake up at 11?"

She took a quick shower, put some clothes on, black high waisted jeans with a bright red sweater, since it was Saturday.

She took a big breath before opening the door. On the couch was sitting Zacharias.

"Hey!" Hermione said, walking to the door, wanting to go straight to breakfast.

"Hi! You look lovely...." He said almost hesitantly with a blush.

"Umm...thanks." She said and walked out of the common room.

"I guess" she muttered to herself.

'Not even my bloody boyfriend ever complimented me!' She thought frustrated.

She walked down the hallway, and after what saw, her jaw dropped, and tears filled her brautiful brown eyes.

Ron Weasley on top of Lavender Brown kissing, his hand wrapped around her waist tight. He suddenly stopped to look at her ex girlfriend. He rolled his eyes and continued what he was doing.

She walked faster than usual past them. A part of her wanted to scream and to run back to her dorm, but the other was starving, so she wipped her tears from her cheeks and entered the Great Hall. Suddenly everyone had their eyes on her as she walked through the tables to her friends, one less of course.

"Well look! Is the Quidditch princess herself" One boy said and everyone in the Great Hall started laughing.

She looked frozen.

'What the fuck is going on!?' She said in her mind.

"What's going on? Why is everyone looking at Granger?" Draco said confused to Blaise.

'No that she is not beautiful...but...Oh! STOP IT!" Draco said in his mind.

"Didn't you hear? She is the new seeker in the Griffindor quidditch team." He said laughing as Draco almost spit his pumkin juice.

"WHAT? How that happened?"

"Weselette is hurt, and they needed a new seeker, though I don't know who's the captain."

"Oh, Merlin, how does she wear those hideous clothes?" Pansy said disgusted.

Draco scanned Hermione up and down over and over again, Blaise noticing.

"Mate, I know she is hot, but-"

"Hot!? Oh really!? That mudblood over there! Ha! No way!" He said as he turned red from embarassment.

'She is hot...and cute in that sweater...imagine her naked...' Draco's dirty mind said.


Hermione walked faster to Harry who was watching her every move, and sat down in front of him.

"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" Her words louder than she expected. She looked around the room to see everyone staring at her, including Draco Malfoy who was sitting exactly in her back.


"EXPLAIN!" She said angrilly.

"She kinda...replaced herself with you, you know, umm-"

"WHAT?!!!!" She yelled and again glares from everyone.

"She spoke with Mcgonagall, to replace her with you. Mcgonagall was in an urgent need to find someone, since she was the captain, and she told her you are pretty good, but though I don't know who the captain is since you are the seeker of the team." Harry said, believing in her best friend.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA ABOUT THIS GAME!" And again, she spoked too loudly.

"I know...but you are good on the broom, at least."

"Fuck! Like I didn't have enough problems already!" Her mind taking her again to Ron. To the boy she loved with all her heart, and he betrayded her...she came into conclusion that he only wanted her for her body.

"Blaise mate...looks like slytherin is going to win all games with griffindor." Draco said turning to face Hermione.

Hermione let a groan and turned around to face him. When he saw her red, puffy eyes, he understood she had cried not too long ago.

"What do you want ferret?" She asked frustrated, not carying anymore, because her mind taked her again to Ron. A tear escaped her eye, and she turned around quickly removing it, but Draco saw it and turned around too, not wanting to bother her anymore.

'What's wrong with you Draco!!?? Just humiliate her!' He though, but he couldn't...her tear reached his heart.

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