Bravery - Neville Longbottom

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Everyone was outside the castle, Voldemort had just announced Harry's death. Devastated was probably the perfect word to describe most of us, defeated even. Voldemort made his speech about how he murdered a little boy just for power. A little boy that suddenly fell of Hagrid's arms.


Harry wasn't dead. The war wasn't over. Voldemort wasn't dead. Yet!

I saw Neville on the cold floor, his eyes closed, what an awful vision. My best friend wounded, bleeding on the concrete floor. Almost lifeless.

- Merlin's beard! Please be alive, please! - I got on my knees beside Neville and grabbed his shoulders - Nev are you alright?

- I-I'm fine, I g-guess. - he managed to sit, adjusting his eyes and trying to understand what was happening around us.

- Cmon Nev, can you get up? We need to use that sword and kill Nagini right now!

- Go find the snake Y/N, I'll fetch the sword.

I nodded and walked further into the castle, at this point it looked like it was going to collapse at any moment. Then I saw the bloody snake, Hermione and Ron were distracting it but then it managed to get advantage.


Nagini was going to kill them. Ron grabbed Hermione and protected her in his arms, turning his back to the snake, shielding the girl almost completely. That was the most heroic and romantic scene that has ever crossed my eyesight, it was almost in slow motion. And then Nagini jumped.

- NOOO! - tears were dropping from my eyes, I couldn't believe this was the end of my friends.

Neville pushed me behind him and with a single move he trespassed Nagini with the sword. Just like that, it vanished.


Hermione and I were sobbing out of fear but my eyes were open so widely. I was shocked that Neville had the courage to stand in front of a open mouthed snake and just cut it, like a piece of cake.

- You are so fucking brave, you know that? I never doubted you but Merlin's beard that was impressive Nev!

- Thank you Y/N - we hugged - I don't know how I did it, I just couldn't see you guys get hurt. - I smiled at him proudly - Now let's help the others!


Harry killed the Dark Lord. I never cried so much out of happiness. We were finally free and at peace. Everyone was hugging their friends, their family, it was so nice to watch.

- Hey Y/N come here! - Neville called beside Luna, he was crazy about her. I hope he tells her that, he deserves to be happy. - Give me a hug little Y/L/N, don't be shy! - we laughed.

- You know I love you right? After Hogwarts I want you on my life, you are the brother I never had.

- Did you think I was going to leave you after this? You're family Y/N, I'll always be here!

- Promise?

- Promise!

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

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