My Gracie - Blaise Zabini

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- Sometimes I wonder if I have a daughter or a niece

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- Sometimes I wonder if I have a daughter or a niece. - I say more to myself.

- What does that even mean? - Blaise asks turning to face me - I'm sure she came out of you. - he says confused.

- That's not what I'm saying Zabini, of course she came out of me! - I roll my eyes - It's just the fact that you spend much more time with her than I, and I'm her mother. - I say finishing dinner - I think that's saying something.

- Well I'm sorry if I like spending time with my goddaughter. - he says sarcastically - She is the most precious thing in the world. - he grabs her from the floor.

- Spending time? You practically live here since she was born! - I laugh - But at least you help taking care of her. - I say honestly.

I set up the table while Blaise plays with Cassie on the couch. She really connected with him, sometimes he even has to come just to make her sleep because me and Draco can't. She is going to be a stubborn kid just like her father, always wanting everything in her own way.

Now she was about the age of speaking her first words and saying this time has been stressful is to say the least. Draco wants her to say 'Dada' and Blaise wants her to say his name.

You can imagine the competition and the amount of times they repeatedly say it for the baby to copy. I got out of it after the first week, saying 'Mama' can come second for all I care, she is still my baby. But the boys surely won't give up.

- Hey Gracie look at me! - Blaise talks to her in his babyish voice - Hello my baby, say Blaise my love! Blai-se, c'mon you got this, Blaise. - she giggles at him.

It has been like this for two weeks straight. All she keeps saying is pure gibberish. Yesterday we thought she was about to say something but she quickly turned back to her fake wand toy.

- It's me, uncle Blaise - he says hiding his face with his hands and uncovering it after - Where's uncle Blaise? - she giggles in his lap - There he is!

- If you make funny faces she laughs pretty hard. - I say smiling at them.

- Hey Gracie! - she looks at him and he puts his tongue out with rolled eyes.

They keep laughing at each other's faces for a couple more minutes till Draco silently comes at the door. He signals me to don't say a word and walks to the couch.

- Say Blai-se! Blaise. - he keeps telling her while she just says meaningless things.

- Ba-ba-i - she keeps saying.

- C'mon you can do it, Blaise.

- Bai, bai, bai - she says clapping her little hands.

Draco stands there, waiting to see if she actually says anything. He looks a bit nervous to tell the truth.

- Blaise, uncle Blaise. - he encourages. - You can do it Gracie.

- Baie, se-se - she giggles - Bwaise, Bwaise!

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