Monday again | chapter 8

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              It's Saturday after noon now, Cally, Amanda  and I started to get bored so we went to this little park near where I live. It's foggy out and the park kind of looks creepy. This park has been here years and it's in desperate need of a fix up. We get to the park and I sit on this old rusted bench. "This park is high key kinda scary! Did you seriously play here when you were a kid." Amanda asked. "yah all the time! this park used to be gorgeous. Now It's an abandon park and kids never come here, I just hope they don't get rid of it." I say. I get up and we  walk around the park for a few hours.

              Sunday was boring because Cally and Amanda left. Then Monday rolled around which meant that our plan to get revenge on Bella would probably take place today. I wake up, do my morning routine then get my sister and I to school. It's starting to get colder out and this morning was partially cold for late September. I get to class early to avoid seeing Bella and her annoying friends Cindy and Mindy. Cindy and Mindy are twines and practically Bella's slaves, they treat Bella like the queen she isn't but thinks she is. Cindy and Mindy are identical twines but it's pretty easy to tell them apart but for some reason Bella can't tell apart to save her life so she put different colored bows on each of there fingers like an idiot. They have long blonde hair with blue eye, they're skinny, they have a good style so basically Cindy and Mindy are considered stunning. Even though they're personalities aren't.  

               I settle in to class and a few minutes pass and I see Corbyn Walk in, he's wearing an off-white shirt with black pants and he looks amazing as usual. "Hey! Sky I have a surprise for you and I really think your gonna like it!" Corbyn exclaims! "oh, hey! What's the surprise!" I shouted with glee. "Wait close you eyes first!" He says it so cute I wanted to cry. I close my eyes and he put this thing in my hand and I have no clue what it is. I opened my eyes and I saw this CD in my hands. It was this CD that said Fallin' by Why Don't We in Bold letters and underneath said featuring Sky Rivers. When I  saw that I squealed so loud that I'm pretty   sure they heard me all the way in Antarctica "OH MY GOD! I love it do I get to keep it!? Wait I never recorded anything how did you get my vocals on here? AHH, who cares I love it!" I said spiraling  in a loop of excitement. "Ok so basically whenever we sing I record it to see where we can improve. I played the one you sang on back and thought it was so amazing I made you CD!" Corbyn explained. "Well thank you so much this is the nicest thing anyone's done for me." I say 

               The first period bell rings and a bunch of people are rushing into  the class. I have English now and it's my most boring class. I take my seat and I open up my note book so I can take notes. The teacher comes in late with this big box and in the box are a bunch of workbooks which I AM NOT excited about getting. The teacher passes out the books and then starts talking about something boring but I'm not completely sure what he was talking about because I wasn't paying much attention. He either said something about a new novel we'll be reading or chicken strips, I'm hoping it was about chicken strips. The teacher keeps talk about thing nobody cares about and I doze out and start to day dream about what my life would be like if I was a pop star like Ariana Grande. 

               The bell to mark the end of class finally rings and I feel free to be out of that boring classroom. I catch up with Cally and I show her the CD and of course she squeals. "You know this means that Corbyn is totally into youuuu!!" Cally says. "He is not" I answer. " he totally is! He made you a CD!" Cally shouts. Out of nowhere I see Bella walk up to us. "who gave you a CD? was it your grandma. I'm assuming the songs on it our preschooler songs." Bella says it in the most passive aggressive way. "Actually Corbyn gave it to me. It's was surprise I guess you didn't get one." I answered with twice the passive aggressiveness. "Um what are you talking about I totally got one." She lied. Bella is a horrible lire and it was so easy to tell she was lying straight to my face. "Oh yah, What song is on the CD then?" I asked knowing there is know way she knows the answer. "Um that one song there with all the instruments." she answers. "Yah because that makes perfect sense." I said sarcastically. "Shut up I don't answer to you!" she says with a lot of sass and attitude. "CINDY, MINDY GET OVER HERE!" She yells. she starts to walk away with Cindy and Mind following her. Then all 3 of them turn around dramatically and Bella looks me in the eye. "Meet me outside on the soccer field after school." she says "Why should I?" I answer back "Because if you don't you'll never be able to show your face around here again. Do I make my self clear!?" She says as her and her rugrats flip there her at me and continue to walk to there second period class. 

               Cally and go to our second period class  too which is sciences. "After school is the perfect time to get revenge on Bella!" Cally whispers in my ear. "I know, I'm ready to take his girl down." I tell Cally. "I'll text Amanda after now and we'll stay by you while you guys talk or whatever." Cally says. We get to science class and I look for a table with my name on it and sit. Our teacher made us change spots today and i hope i sit next to someone good.

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