A Suicide Room (That's What I Titled It For School)

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" Dominik Your gonna be late for school!" My mom says as I rush to get ready.

"Okay okay I'm coming" I say annoyed, grabbing my jacket as I walk outside. I get in the backseat of the car and get on my phone, It's been going off all morning. I have more than 50 texts. The texts read "Go Kill Yourself!" "Emo, why were you even born?Do us all a favor and kill yourself. Please." "I heard you tried to commit in a relationship, but you know what you should commit?Suicide."

I look at my phone's screen in despair and agony.

"What's wrong honey?" My mom says, looking at me warily.

"Oh, nothing just looking at the game scores last from last night.." I say, trying to cover up what I just read. We drive up to the school, oh great another day in this hell. "Have a great day at school!" My mom says smiling as I slam the car door and walk into school. I walk into the school bathrooms before class starts, I look so horrid. My face is horrid, my eyes, my hair, my clothes, my shoes, I am horrid.

The bell rings as I make it to class just in the nick of time. I see Aleksander come in about 5 minutes late to class and sits down, winking at me. Did he actually just wink at me? I'm trying to work on the essay we were assigned, but I can't keep my eyes off Alek. His phone starts to ring so he picks up and starts to head out to the hallway, but he walks past me running his finger down the side of my arm on his way out. I felt a weird, fuzzy feeling when he did that.

Tonight my parents have a banquet to attend to and I am required to attend with them. We arrive to the banquet and my mother told me to behave well since this is essential for her career, she's a fashion designer. I hear my mother and father talking about me to one of their I guess you could say friends

"Yes, Dominik is a 18 year old lad and he is a scholar student and we are sure of the splendid choices he has made." I walk over to my parents and introduce myself with the person whom they are talking to.

"Dominik, this is Jennifer she is around your age and we think it would be great for you two to date" The woman says.

"Jennifer is a very beautiful girl, don't get me wrong, and I would love to take her out but the problem is, I don't quite like girls, I'm gay."

They all look at me very surprised of the words that just came out of my mouth, So I just ignore them and walk over to a group of kids who were drinking. They were playing truth or dare, and if Lindsay and Brooke kissed than me and Alek had to kiss. So Lindsay and Brooke did kiss, and then me and Alex kissed, I got this warm feeling, the one you get when you really like someone. The car ride home wasn't the best that It could have been, It was dead silent. When we got home my parents sent me straight to my room and were angered because I had apparently embarrassed them by saying my sexuality.

I get onto my computer and check my social media. There's a video of when me and Alek kissed, Who posted this? I scroll through the comments. "Ew Gay homos" "Emo attention seekers" "Awe how cute". The majority of the comments are not the best. I scream into my hands, I walk over to the wall and punch it until my hand bleeds. I start pacing back and forth, and then go back to my laptops screen and I have a message.

"@suicideroom: Come talk to me" Who is this? I reply simply by saying "@dominiks:How?" Whoever this is then replies with a link to a website where you can make your own avatar. I make my avatar, sign up and go to the main lobby. "@suicideroom:Find me, Pink hair." I look over across the map and see an avatar with pink hair and walk over to her.

"Dominik?" The girl says questioningly.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"Sylwia" She says, I honestly love that name.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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