talking in your sleep (lightbrush)

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Paintbrush turned onto their side, their mouth slightly agape. They'd been out cold, but Lightbulb remained awake. Lately, she had started keeping herself up a little while longer—just long enough to see something special.

"...sir, you dropped the Tesseract off the highway, remember..."

Lightbulb stifled a giggle. Yes, she'd discovered that if she listened closely, sometimes her partner would whisper the cutest things in their sleep. As if they weren't already cute enough!

Curiously, she whispered something into their ear.

"I love youuu~."

Painty tossed a little, letting out a low grumble.

"Mmmhh...them's fightin' wordsss..."

Lightbulb grinned and quietly flapped her hands a little. They were starting to sound like her!

She sighed and calmed down, gazing at Paintbrush's sleeping face with a soft smile. ...It wasn't like they could see it through the eyemask—but what could Lightbulb say? They made her smile without even trying.

To her surprise, though, the sleeping artist unconsciously mustered a weak smile back, and before she could react, they threw their arms around her, gently squeezing her like a pillow. They touched their forehead to hers as they mumbled again.

" pie..."

Lightbulb's face quickly flushed and her dim glow intensified. Man, why can't Painty always be this lovey-dovey? She thought jokingly. Even if they weren't especially affectionate during the day (except when they were alone), of course they still loved her. Contentedly, Lightbulb shut her eyes and smiled.

...Painty's so cute when they're sleeping.

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