founded and released

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Blues pov

I was laying with delta,charlie and y/n were laying around,we still couldn't fine echo and its been three weeks,pigs have been sent in here buy they all come out of the forest alive,i sigh and get up,delta looks at me as i go to y/n,i nudged her and she gets up,i nudged charlie and she got up,she looked at delta and nuzzled her,delta stood and we went to the lake and started drinking"i miss her"i hear"we all do delta,we will keep looking no matter what"i said"guys.....i over heard the human alpha"y/n starts"what is it"charlie asks as we sit around her"there....there gonna move me to a different pen"ahe said looking down"what,why"we yell"they think echo ran off because of me"she said"she didn't"i yelled"your,your part of our pack"delta said starting to cry and hugging her"well,untill deltas found,i stay in a different pen"she says hugging delta back"but hey,you can always listen to my songs at night"y/n said putting herhead on deltas"promise"delta says"promise"y/n says,we walk back to the dens and we talk

Meanwhile with echo

Echos pov

I sighed and looked around seeing no one and went to get a drink some water then go back to my tree,i groan in pain as i laid down,i havent eaten anything for 3 weeks now,i hurt so much

Echo fainted

No ons pov

The humans had came in and took y/n to a different pen but decided to look around,as they there go in yhr forest,they noticed all thr pigs running around,they walk around and noticed a leaf,they move and theres echo,they go and get something to get her to the lab,meanwhile her sisters are worried and trying to go to her but there in a cage

Deltas pov

I want to be with her so much,i whine and the others nuzzled me,we rhen screeched

Y/ns pov

I heard a screech and howled,i was in the pen with my friends,they came to me"why you howling?"alpha asked"its delta"i say as i hear a screech"they saying something"alpha says"i lool at her,she was dark green and green"i know"i say looking away"but what"beta asked as her red and indo walked over"echo was found but.....shes hurt bad"i say,indo sits next to me,she was the indo wolf rex"im sorry"she says,she was white red and brown"its ok,as long as shes ok"i say,beta whos brown and blue sits with me,red whos red sits with us,alpha joins us,and they screech and howl,i joined in,soon three more screeches are heard

No ones pov

As all of the dinos and hybrids screech howl or roar everyone at the pack look around confused on whats going on,Clara whos at the control center is watching all this happen,soon owen walks in"delta is perfectly fine,but no shes trying to go somewhere"he sats walking in,he thens sees whats happening"they....praying?"a solder asked"no......they singing"owen says"singing?"clara asks"yes,there singing to someone or something"owen says before it hits everyone"open all the pad gates"Clare says as sge and owen run to the lab

Y/n pov

We all stopped as the door to our pen opened,we get up and start running,we soon meet up with the others,all the dinosaurs and hrbrids came to us,then a car with a cage drove to us,along with more cars,they all stop and owen the human alpha fets out od the car with the cage,he walks to us"keeping you alk here would bring bad health"he said,we all tilt our heads,clara who got out opened the cage and we see echo,delta whined and she and delta ran to each other and hugged,i smiled as blue and charlie joined in the hug,soon echo comes to me and nuzzles me,i nuzzle her back"i missed you"i said"i missed you to"she says licking me"come on,we can live in the forest"rexy said,we folloed him into the forest,but blue looked back at owen,we stopped and waited"go on blue"owen said"blue smiled and runs to us and go in the forest

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