meeting them

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Y/n pov

I whined as i hit the cage again,i was put in it cause they were putting me somewhere,i whined amd looked at the alphas,the male noticed"what should we call her,she didnt like thr other name"the male said,thr female looked at me"hmm how about y/n"sjr said,i barked amd scratched the cage"i sont think she likes cages"thr female said"well werr here anyways so lets get her with the others"the male said as a bunch of people walked over,i whined and backed away from them"come here"said thr male alpha,i went to him and he put a rope around my neck then lead me somewhere,i whined and my tail went between my legs,i was put in a random area and then they closed it of,infront of my a door open and a pig ran in,i grabbed it and killed it then eat,after a door open,i walked out and looked around,i hear a sound and four raptors ran to me,i whined and ran,the one thing that made me different from normal wolves was i had indo rex strength,and indo raptor speed but im faster and stronger,i hid in the forest that wa sin here and watched as one of the raptors walked around,i closed my eys amd slept

Echo pov

I watched to a tree amd saw the wolf,i was really surprised that she was so faster,she was faster then us but why?,i noticed she was sleeping and smiled,i picked her up gently and walked to the den that blue charlie and delta mad,i smiled as she nuzzled into me,i walked into the den and laid her down then laid with her,i didnt want to leave her cause she seemed to be very scared so i stayed with her

20 hours later

I woke up to see a dead pig,i looked up and the wf was sitting there"t-thanks for keeping me warm"she said"anytime"i said"she smiled"oh they released pigs in here so i caught one for you"she said"thanks"i said and nuzzled her,she nuzzled back and i ate the pig,she got up and went to the entrance"um why are there people"she asked,my head shot up,i ran past her and saw alpha,i went to the others as we stood were we always stand,the wolf walked in confusion and everyone gasped"welcome y/n the indo wolf raptor,she was made to have the strength of in indo rex and the speed of a raptor,see has the vision of us and raptors and indo raptor,y/n can run faster them all of the other dinosaurs and the raptors,"alpha said,me and the other looked at her the people clapped,y/n tiltled her head,thrn everyone left and me and y/n sat in the forest to get to know each other

Here is a new book

I dont know if there are books like this but if there are then yay

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